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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. i don't know if you can bump something that stays at the top ;)-->
  2. zixar and laleo, you're so keen and perceptive -- why don't you put honesty in there too -- and just address me by handle ? first of all laleo whatever you think about my friendship with dottie is none of your business one of my indicators about heart and cruelty, is how one treats someone who just lost their very own brother your referring to dot and the sting of her making a choice to leave greasespot (as compared to the sting of death) reminds of the big toe analogy okay i better stop now before i get anymore pity or flattery here..... ps. i'm not bitter but i don't know how to debate that. i'll ask oakspear for advice laleo, sting of indifference and sting of betrayal ? now you're making me crazy
  3. dear chuck, i don't know if these bible thumping word warrior smarty pants are worth your while love, a fellow dustbunny hey the bible is bullsheet ok who is going to have the heart attack now ? the ones with the all the heart i'm sure
  4. sky the posts are too long for me to read at the moment but i wanted to say hi and that i like you :)--> oh and i like geo. and danny and johnnyam and raf and tommy s and darrell b
  5. a ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you are so funny belle and thank you for the book recommendation. i must put it on my list with imbus's lithping ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  6. what's a nadbook ?
  7. you could be right garth.... i can't tell when i'm right in "exposing" someone or when i'm full of sh i t
  8. oh sorry i just had to ask rottie what she thought about the poor girl in utah anyone reading this thread.... that was a total derail..... sorry
  9. oopsie i just made reference to this on the dub site so i wanted to do it here too goe refiner says he is back and you welcome satori back ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  10. okay thanks. it's a very sad strange case.
  11. rottie, i'm so worried about that pregnant jogger in salt lake city. what do you think ? her husband was naked running around a hotel.... ohmygosh i know he loved her. do you think he went nuts ?
  12. that's cool. if john is a regular meek person, he will tell us if he still think he's a man of god of the whatever century he will reprove us yes john i'm being hard on you i come from a cult
  13. excathedra

    Site upgrade

    thanks sudo hey have you been to the devil site lately ?
  14. i will give john credit too, but that's as far as it goes.... why should he be afraid if he carries the "TRUTH" if chris....inggeer posts here, well, i think i'll just follow him ha ha ha ha ha ahhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha what a jerk off
  15. excathedra

    Site upgrade

    don't know if this comment counts .... not trying to be critical .... but if you ask to see people's recent posts.... it brings up their posts from years ago.... sowwy i know, i'm nosey. what can i tell you ?
  16. okay now i clicked on it ha ha ha ha ha ha i get it but if john comes here, i give him credit, that's all hi john. i'm interested in what you have to say, especially about momentus and although i could care less, i was wondering if the adultery paper was so phenomenal acc. to god's matchless word, where's the paper on divorce ? actually that should be a question to john s. i'm not nitpicking, just wondering about all this biblical godly stuff and i think if 5% of people lose their minds in your breakthrough deal, it's not a good thing maybe you all should go back to college and major in psych. rather than bible
  17. guess what ? i don't see it as a "spiritual battle" like maybe steve does (no offense) i see it as a degrading bunch of bull****
  18. are you serious ? look at what i just posted on that other thread that's great !!!!! i haven't clicked on cynic's thing
  19. when john lynn posts here as himself, i'll be happy goddamn let's hear from the man of god
  20. you're right jonny. i was an ....
  21. do you mean, do i like to talk about my "teenage" encounters on forums ?
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