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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. i have a feeling we're all talking about different things somehow
  2. oldiesman here is what you disagreed with do you think "clergy" have a responsbility to set and maintain appropriate boundaries ? are they not smart enough to know when they are counseling someone, they might be "seduced" or whatever? i'll never understand why you have to hold out on this point. are you ordained or something?
  3. maybe i should clarify something when i think of twi in this thread, i'm thinking about wierwille
  4. and sorry raf. i really should have stayed out of this thread.
  5. thank you simon for bringing the thread back on track
  6. ps. of course i'm talking about my own perspective (experience) and what i've been through and also told by professionals and what i've read. where are "you" coming from ?
  7. betrayal of trust one stupid little link http://www.advocateweb.org/hope/moreaboutexploitation.asp i'm not in the mood for this i guess if you're talking about some innocent little lamb minister ?????? molested by a trusting follower i don't know, let me know what the hell you're talking about and i actually understand more about "real life" situations than you realize
  8. and when you become a minister, like when you become a therapist, you better be grounded and have some goddamn decent values and realize your position and the unbalanced thing going on and how someone looks up to you and and and whatever
  9. the name is Bond.... James Bond i mean the name is Crowell.... Davis Crowell
  10. i would kill for an oil cake :)-->
  11. sounds like song's letter thread so harvey turned into a big fat dilusional manipulator like so many others. but it got him where he is today damnit i saw this witness crap in the corps program to some degree; for instance, with a little red dick in colorado then i saw it with a psycho monster in gartmoor some of these bobblehead (good one) witnesses were so afraid of the BIG bobblehead they just bobbled along they all suck
  12. quite frankly i don't think it bothers her a bit ** oh derail here, didn't i hear she got rid of a doggie because the click click click of its little toenails on the kitchen floor bothered her lmao
  13. georgie i'm going to give you a big special hug when i meet you on a cloud in heaven ;)-->
  14. my mom put all my clothes out on the front stoop when i was 15.... that kept me in line for a little while flipper, look how good i turned out ;)-->
  15. simon get over here and clean all this cioffi (patti) off my screen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. if lillie watts had married grant upchurch she could have been lillie watts up, church ?
  17. belle, following is link for getting information on when the movie is showing where http://www.whatthebleep.com/contact/
  18. well if he can't, nyquil i think he was talking about vicks :)-->
  19. web page is fascinating. i have to see this movie.
  20. vicky della negro married lonnie nelson :)-->
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