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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. i always think about david from fordham univ. explaning to me that you can't walk in love and truth without walking in truth and love
  2. my name is excathedra and i'm an internet addict i love you guys. you are one of the brightest spots in my heart.... too much love for words
  3. i definitely agree herbie coming from an abusive childhood helped me feel comfy / normal when it came to wierwille's abuse
  4. if you're going to be so positive, get the hell off here ! just kidding damie i'm glad to heart it
  5. the internet is of the god of this world the prince of the power of the air sign off NOW
  6. so what's the answer or did i miss it ? one semester ? or one semester of one subject ? you know what i mean
  7. i also wanted to share a site and a pic of one of our very own ambassador one pilots ~ and if you are into really great gourmet treats, you must visit the web site http://www.cardullos.com/cardullos.htm
  8. i'd rather be with you all than the finest people on earth also did any of you have outside funds ? where was clyde when i really needed him ? tommy, you little teddy bear i love you simon are you talking about the picture damie posted of michael rood ?
  9. actually clyde ....es me off
  10. not ignoring you JT just want to have the thought / time to answer
  11. millions now smoking hey i think clyde sponsored me
  12. maybe that's why he always told the story "is not this the carpenter's son, is not his sister called dah dah, oh and his brothers.... ooh boy...." or however that goes ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  13. is the following true ? so where are his degrees from ? i'm only asking because it affects my spiritual life :)-->
  14. if you can pretend you have a doctorate degree, you can pretend you wrote a doctoral thesis.... an original piece of research
  15. every time you speak flellow it is inspired utterance
  16. you know what made my day.... he weathered battles from gawd or for gawd i hope those battles were in the language of the people present
  17. we were writing at the exact same time but my post showed up a minute later hey what's going on here ????? :)-->
  18. simon, i just wanted to make the point that victims of abuse are not necessarily less haunted or damaged than "rape" victims that's all you know how much i think of you and respect you
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