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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. you always touch my heart with your wisdom from on high mydarlingfellow
  2. no really radar, that's fine dear waysurvivor, please contact me: excathedra2000@yahoo.com
  3. dear waysurvivor, what does NC-17 mean ? i think this can be at times a "support group" for sexual abuse survivors for me personally it is more of a support group for "spiritual abuse" please please believe me.... one does not take rank over the other FOR ME my "hurt" was more about God and the "father in the word" thing i'm very very sorry for your hurt love, ex ps. this doesn't sound right, sorry, i know what i mean
  4. dearest waysurvivor, i wonder if perhaps your dad who was in the way ministry, could have been involved in other things as well my heart goes out to you, dear
  5. was this supposed to be like a ha ha funny thing, evan ?
  6. i think every new parent is excited and terrified i have a feeling you will be GREAT when are y'all due ? much luck and love
  7. i would like to believe to settle in Lock Two for eternity. i have always loved the twilight zone the other day, an iowa beef truck passed by me in new jersey of all places.... that's my other choice.... emporia, kansas, if god would have it be his primary will.... tommy you make me cry. kettlersville for ****'s sake
  8. my dearest rev. snow cone. i'm glad you are back. i thought you were caught away to the 3rd heaven and earth with tametuttle
  9. i believe (pistis) they are tamer now as they have grown by leaps and bounds spiritually
  10. while i was trying to be a smartbutt and sarcastic about going after an 18 year old boy with family problems, this stuff actually breaks my heart to this day. sorry for the derail.
  11. extramarital affairs i guess some people really believe that was the extent of weewillie's "weaknesses" / "sins"
  12. a la i'm sending you a plate with the wierwilles picture on it. i'm so proud of you
  13. i'm not sure but i can tell you if it was for way corps, then it was BORING
  14. i don't think it's size that counts but thank you a la i know your heart is right
  15. i made myself a reverend, ww. didn't even ask anyone.
  16. i'm not too far from age 50 and this 18 year old kid next door is looking so hot right now. ohmygod.... i'm going to witness to him and get him in the class. after that.... well i'm just believing big to undershepherd him.... he's got a lot of family problems so that's a real good sign thank you god
  17. ummmmmmmmm delusion is a fruit of the spurt ????
  18. are you talking about the team that used a squirrel to beat the bronx boys
  19. i'm sure we'll make it, well at least i'm believing big why was he tying that small knot ? i can't remember the spiritual principle behind it and yeah just when you need it the most, where's the snowcone
  20. sometimes you just need to tell and other times you feel like you owe no one anything
  21. you're probably right, lifted. i used to care a lot, a helluvalot. after a while.... i don't know....
  22. if there was godliness going on, it should be god who gets the credit
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