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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. this is a great topic, cool at the moment, i can't find my car keys but i can think about that while i'm typing here big mwah !!!!!
  2. venezuela for the counterfeit rock of ages ?
  3. where should we take them ? ;)-->
  4. i vacationed there a couple of times with a redheaded fellow and his family.... with vacations like that, who needs prison ? :)-->
  5. that's really beautiful, proud mom my son almost got in trouble last night for getting in too late, it was already dark the reason he was late.... he walked a 12 year old girl home because he didn't want anything to happen to her (he'll be 10 this week)
  6. cw, you're going to have to write: the teacher box 328 new knoxville oh 45871 isn't it amazing what we can remember after all these years ? is it our minds are so amazing or that conditioning thingy ?
  7. oh and if they sneak off campus to guzzle a six-pack, who gets the extra one ?
  8. did buyunga have to bring all his wives back in residence ?
  9. now THAT sent shivers down my spine spiritually speaking
  10. kryssie, why don't you start thread per question (with question in title) so you get the expert advice in each and it's not confusing ? don't feel like you're being a bother !!!!!!!!! you're NOT. start all the threads you like. people are so good here.
  11. if they were all in a band, who did they play for ?
  12. that is screwedi am a parent and my child is my child. that will never change, but he teaches me things all the time and i have no problem recognizing it and telling him so my greatest teachers in life definitely were NOT way honchos
  13. is it something like the 5th corps had 200 people and the 200th corps had 5 people ? spooky :)-->
  14. did they wear nametags ? did they use memory pegs to remember each other's names ?
  15. Jacque Pierre ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha what the hell is the name of that silent trustee anyway !!!!!! were there corps weddings around the pond ? did they each have a dorm to themselves ? did everyone get to share at the afterglow ? did they trade sack suppers ? sit in alphabetical order on corps night ? my head hurts
  16. but really.... not in AUGUST ? :)-->
  17. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (LMAO) but it's more fun to type all the ha ha's
  18. well let's see JT, are you a JUST a believer ? i'm corps one goes from regular believing to super duper dog soldier commitment ;)-->;)-->;)-->;)-->;)-->;)-->;)-->;)-->;)-->;)-->
  19. i don't know if i can get off from work i know.... where's my commitment ?
  20. tuttle, not even mr. fletcher ? -- you're scaring me satori ! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  21. split foot crashed my computer tommy will you believe for rerun revelation. i'm putting it on the top of my liftlist were you caught away dear strange one ?
  22. sowwy not reading but being called on for retemories could be a beach
  23. and some born more than once ;)-->
  24. it probably bothers us so much because the wooden spoon was taught, used and abused in the way this is what my mother used(but no colors back then) once the ball came off and she never abused us ps. i don't use a paddle on my son
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