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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. i don't know sogwap but i PT'd you a while back. do you know how to check those ?
  2. it's a real big challenge for me not to spoil my son rotten. i keep repeating his pediatrician's words to myself, "you'll ruin him, i'm telling you, you'll ruin him."
  3. do they offer PhDs in baseball ? they should
  4. you know, my initial barflike reaction was not really against god; it was against the purpose driven life :)-->
  5. tref, who taught it live ? where was heikki pekerinnininininin :)--> from ?
  6. forget i said anything. i already told Him i didn't mean it (which he knew).
  7. craig's insane anger was most likely personal ewwwwwww i wouldn't want to see rosalie right after anything
  8. when you sit in a class 4 f'in million times, you tend to remember stuff
  9. it just wasn't so scary when a lot of people were doing it
  10. from the web site i'll do so when He gives me pleasure.... after all these years....
  11. what a shame the other okie (sp?) could not stay as real and wonderful as fellowsleeper
  12. i don't like the look of that tree
  13. i know, so many people forget get "where they came from" but baseball is so good and all american, you kind of expect ball players to be that way too, ya know ?** yesterday i was talking to one of my die-hard yankee fan brothers and i said, "some people don't care for the yankees" he smiled and said, "ya either love 'em or hate 'em" :)--> Hi Rocky !!!!
  14. this is pretty cool: http://www.cheniere.org/books/aids/newviewmind.htm
  15. right, don't we really only know about our conscious thought / mind ?
  16. excathedra

    New group

    exwayfer, would you please copy and paste your story here. i'm not a member of the yahoo group. tanks !!!!!
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