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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. my mom turns 80 on june 6th and she tells me about her dreams -- always has -- and i am completely in awe. i love her so much
  2. that was funny -- how did she go from way productions "leader" (and why dear god was she over that? was it her sweet singing voice?) and way publications "leader" (was that what she was trained as, as a teacher? to a board of trustee person -- the first female (well in a sense) did donna help her or was it her own foxy ways? just wondering i really could not stand her before she became a bigger wigger -- she hurt people close to me -- i don't know why she did that
  3. so the fox had her first kid when she was a teen? and is donna closer to his age? http://www.classfinders.com/people/nc/new-bern/rembert/rivenbark/
  4. dear roy, thank you, i have many of the same feelings love, ex
  5. hey, i posted most of the songs not too long ago on "what are you listening to now" or whatever that thread is i went to see on my 8th grade class trip and it deeply changed me i love it. i weep listening thanks, tz
  6. i fell asleep after the first post i dont care if you hate me but i hope you don't
  7. i've been invited by old and new friends to this crap. i'm not "available"
  8. yeah well today i thought my kid was the devil, the demon, the evil one ps. i miss george r.
  9. i doubt it because she was so disgusting and not young and appealing like donna. plus linda z and others have said rosie had (openly, at least when he was dying) zero respect for the vpw -- there were posts about rosie-r having substantial money of her own ? and about one of her kids being in jail. i don't know how to look it up but whatever. in '82 i felt donna and rozie were something to contend with -- as far as janet miracle sniffing out those no-good homos, i would like to puke on her
  10. thank you, t. so much. i love you. your reply helped me to understand more what you are saying. -- i never knew that about Dave Arneson -- i have no idea why he called them devil spirits i could swear there were posts on that
  11. i don't really understand, T. i would be so happy if you would elaborate love, E.
  12. i understand he became a/an (ego) maniac but i want to tell you he was up agaisnt those two and they are beyond -- what's the word i'm looking for? i actually knew him when he was a nice guy, but you know wierwille f'd him up and so on don't get me wrong -- not defending -- i talked to him and wrote to him about not going down the same path as sicko wierwille -- and he trashed me -- more than trashed me. i guess by then he was the man of god
  13. back atcha' (((((((roy)))))))
  14. i don't know. they may be comfy with the familiar
  15. i don't know if i want to start one on this i was on staff in ohio and on an odd shift when i came across them and if i remember correctly, there were plenty of posts back here somewhere from sunesis and others donna openly "shared" something about liking boys and girls (but that's not the way it was said) also marsha faulk was mentioned and i forget what else i was always frikkin blown away to hear about the horrible dishonest terrible stance on homosexuality and spiritual suspicion and all that (i wasn't in the way anymore by then). but i guess craig started that and it could be because of what was eating away at him. didn't we talk about this?
  16. i don't remember being like that. i remember feeling really bad about some great people who were into research getting the boot.... and others.... for different reasons. it made me really sad but i wasn't around when marked and avoid was the going thing but i was certainly around when people were ousted and treated like crap quite a few leaders threatened me but i guess i came crawling back or something i don't know ps. i NEVER EVER considered my own family lost or anything like that. they were always my family and they tried so hard to understand me -- even when they came to big azz events like "wake up america" and coudn't understand why people were nicer to people with tags on -- i just remembered what i despised coming back my last year in residence and hearing my dearest friends were put on LOA (leave of absence) what a bunch of......
  17. making out -- necking -- smoosh smoosh smooshing -- in a car -- both basically in the same seat is that what you wanted to know ? maybe i should have said smooching, not smooshing - sorry i'm old
  18. no geisha, i didn't think you were -- i think it's mostly my mind. i always feel like i easily fall in line when.... well, whatever..... yeah, i remember paddy heron. i was in corps program with his wonderful brother mick who died :( i forgot about his book actually. there were threads on here at one time, but i'll take a look at what you posted and thanks
  19. well, what in the hell was so important about this damn thread to bring out sudo and linzee hugs hugs hugs hugs
  20. ohmygod you really started a thread? does groucho smoke? ugh
  21. excathedra

    AC 79

    thanks for that history about john and beatles = i didn't know that as far as vp being a good leader because of inspiring people -- and not being a fraud -- doesn't make sense to me
  22. ps. if i find (or you find) something about evil devil spirits, please post i've had knee-jerk reaction feeling that i have been reproved and better get in line no one's fault, mind youj
  23. i don't really think any wayfers live around here
  24. i'm trying to remember it was 82 or 83 when i happened upon donna and rosenfark making out like boyfriend and girlfriend
  25. it's all so pitiful. i cannot stand rivenbark i wish they asked her who she was in bed with when she got that phonecall i truly don't know what to say to you unbelievably wonderful giving people i know people who stayed in for years and lied about their salary, their mortgage, position in life but why? why would you want to stay with that piece of sht organization if you have to lie? i don't know -- there are just too many people it breaks my heart -- what they gave -- while the top lived like the hog pigs they are
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