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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. Ab, i can't even discuss comparing the two
  2. One definition of troll: A person who makes posts (on newsgroups or other forums) that are solely intended to incite controversy or conflict, or cause annoyance or offense. any of that happening here ? i think the first or second person to reply knew it was going to happen -- and geek, you said: or actually wrong maybe....seriously, did you expect something different than this discussion ? i think it's great, the discussion, that is. i'm tired of a lot of, shall i say, "christianity" i hope no one has heart failure that i said that
  3. shell, how do you do background checks on people?
  4. why doesn't the one who had sex with a 16 yr old when they were 18, go to the store owner and talk or maybe they don't need to since it seems everyone in the town knows everything anyway
  5. how did they pay their sentence ?
  6. ok sorry (bad attitude meow) i will read the rest of the story when i have time
  7. Lady Macbeth Lady Martindale etc. good point :)-->
  8. and you're right, i'm sorry, it has nothing to do with geek and you, except that geek and he are ministers in the same church so i think of them as likeminded somewhat and i can't help feeling that the CFF group seems to be wierwillites of this our day and time. so when i hear the forgiveness rap from geek, i tend to put the two together in my mind
  9. sorry for the misunderstanding catcup. i was talking about nick c------ who i thought was an ordained minister in CFF. he was the one who told dottie she couldn't wipe her butt without wierwille.... and some other nice things
  10. well i'm never coming to your house for bread and butter that's for damn sure
  11. ps. are you ready for this, geek ? i'm trying to forgive reverend nick whateverhisname is from your group for being so horribly hurtful to dot matrix. he told her something like she was "nothing" without pfal.... it was much worse what he said but i can't remember
  12. thank you dearest abi. i couldn't agree more with you what you mean about words. i still am wondering about.... if i step on an ant, is that the same as killing my brother ?satori, i can't remember wanting to wound, maim or kill.... i swear my heart bled for my brothers when they were molested by a priest before they reached puberty. i don't know what i wanted to "do" to father butler. i was glad to see him exposed years and years later but i was hurt it took so long
  13. excathedra


    can you (not "you") be a God believing person without being a bible believing person ?** dmiller, i think the old guy who left the coins and those fellas from the group home are reason enough hugs
  14. i didn't mean it that way, abi i'm confused. what else is new ;)-->
  15. rascal, their obsessive tidiness is because they have someone else to keep them tidy. they never have to freak out about messes being made; they have maids. what a bunch of phonies. i would LOVE to see how they would live without slaves.ok maybe bo reahard is the exception ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  16. yeah it's kinda weird how we had to race with the devil to pick up the new person for class night
  17. thus saith the bible guyoops.... and his open heart....
  18. i believe they're all busy at a weekend in the word http://www.cffm.org/doc/calendar.shtml
  19. but murder, for instance, is a lot different than hurting someone's feelings with, say, an angry word
  20. makeup session. oh for godssake now i have to go the flashback thread
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