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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. yeah you live in the grace administration which means you should give MORE than 10% WFT? lol it's your problen if your heat gets turned off or you eat popcorn for supper as long as these things don't happen to vee sicko pee. where did he abudantly share? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  2. does unforgiveness equal bitterness? it's nice to see all the lovely people / posters on here
  3. -- psychosis - A severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality. ohmygod, hello wierwille, geer, martindale 1 and 2, rivenbark, and the rest of you dogs
  4. now there's a quote for you. i absolutely agree. many individuals themselves didn't feel that way, but how we felt and saw things -- nothingness -- who cares? it warmed my heart to see your name in the people of the dome, sky -- speaking of group marriage counseling, how about my friends -- the couple under psycho gear's psychosis -- he had them come in and discuss their marital sex details with a group of leaders/"clergy" lined up
  5. http://www.emporia.edu/libsv/archives/the-people-of-the-dome/ sorry is this has been covered already i got quite a kick out it
  6. where does donna MARTINDALE (is that her name?) live?
  7. wonder why her boys never went in residence....
  8. it's just crazy but i guess to rosie and donna shumate it makes sense - they couldn't make it anywhere else and they have their groupies and their money must suck to be a wierwille non-heir one b*tch from california and the other butch from carolina in their world, they're big time ugh
  9. i've had good experiences with calling up strange churches and neigbors to put me on the prayer list and they did i thought that was very nice
  10. she managed to do that twice now donna, you once had a soul or so it seemed
  11. maybe she gave some bigtime money to vp or maybe he loved lesbians
  12. thanks outandaboutie :) i know the hell you went thru. you are an amazing gal. love,e
  13. what's her little story of pfal and deliverance ?
  14. did anyone mention that book - "the subtle power of spiritual abuse" - that helped a lot of people
  15. i myself have enjoyed not having an answer for everything. funny that's why i wanted to join the way - to get those answers lol
  16. i'm sorry i don't really hate anyone except self - i'm just depressed. forgive me please thomas loy, we had our sales meetings in greensboro with jerry. we lived in burlington. i'm trying to remember who were the other way markateers - lyle who was tall, kevin gigou, um i'm thinking.... jerry got engaged to rosie. i really liked north carolina a lot. not so much way marketing.
  17. as much as i agree with most of the posts here, i hate most of you other than that, the funniest witnessing experience someone else had (she happened to be my roommate during way marketing books in north carolina) she traded the books for items in garage sales -- like plant hangers and such but we had to pay for those books she traded i love her 'til this day she was such a cutie nut
  18. trust/obey i'm sorry for all you had to go through sudo, i enormously disagree with you, but good to see you i guess god has a sense of humor -- i'm not feeling it right now -- because i'm going through so much shhhhh
  19. what a riot. i will have to check it out. when did that movie come out? lol was hape4me one of the aliens? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha -- hi hap wherever you are :)
  20. thanks for posting da murf i'm with ya
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