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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. excathedra

    THE Future

    computers are "of god" :)-->
  2. yeah who is the new teacher of THE CLASS ? thanks, wishing, and i wish happiness for you dying here, belle
  3. excathedra

    THE Future

    wow ! how'd you find that pi ?
  4. excathedra

    THE Future

    that's the mouse ??!!?? talk about carpal tunnel syndrome what a riot !!!!! my neck would hurt from looking up at the monitor
  5. you guys are so funny people at the head table always had drinks with their meals
  6. was it "available" for that mommy to keep her son (was it poor johnny?) from dying when he crossed the street ? i am really fed up with this hurtful doctrine but hey whatever gets you through the night....
  7. i'm so happy your dad got to see that love,ex
  8. MENTAL ASSENT ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haven't heard that one in a long time ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i was only mentally assenting ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha that might be one of the all time best waywords
  9. what a tribute what a dad what a son my deepest condolences dear paw to your mom, to you, and your family
  10. http://xenutv.bogie.nl/cults/rivera.htm?FACTNet don't know if that's it here's another one while i was there http://xenutv.bogie.nl/cults/way.htm
  11. i don't like how the above situation was handled with the secrecy and putting that notice in a local paper, etc. (i'm not blaming the north carolina couple) believers who could not have children used to go to wierwille and ask him if he knew of any believers they could adopt from
  12. thank you, i don't care about names, i'm just having a hard time reading, but it's me, sorry
  13. so twi people adopted a baby outside twi ???? in this case ?????
  14. mark, tell me what happened without stars i'm definitely open
  15. how stupid my mom had twins i think this guy left a lovely wife for ms. julia i am glad she had a boy and girl. instant family. no more kids.
  16. i always honk my horn since i killed my little kittie kat
  17. excathedra

    noni juice

    thank you all so much for your input my sister in law (lupus sp?) is doing great my mom, the dear heart of my life, is also i'm thankful
  18. i think people in twi at the time wanted to make sure godly people in the household raised their babies very sad if later you realized you had done the wrong thing life is crazy ps. in answer to the question, i do not think trafficking is the right word
  19. i don't know. the last few posts are too long for me to read. forgive me.
  20. that's what she said :)-->;)-->:)-->;)-->:)-->
  21. please don't take points off for not reading this thread thank youj
  22. wow i've just seen a miracle.... a really long post by geo. praise somebody ;)-->
  23. excathedra

    noni juice

    energy is one of the biggest thing i'm hearing i've never been witnessed to before by my family
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