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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. yeah nobody but your god damned boss who you're billing by the hour however comma he wouldn't even have a business if it wasn't for you being there speaking in tongues as you work hardly unto the lord....
  2. who is the vice president now ? harvey ? doesn't the vice president take over ? if it's harvey, then i think he should host the reunion some of us want tohave at headquarters are you reading harvey ? linder ? can you tell him please. you know like an inaugural keg party
  3. i'm thinking of you teddytuttle i love you
  4. excathedra

    noni juice

    that's good right ?
  5. excathedra

    noni juice

    thank you for your output, i mean input, OE :)--> my mom is drinking the real stuff and i think she said it's kind of grape flavored but that it takes time to acquire a taste she has always been um diplomatic
  6. (((((((((((((( teddy )))))))))))))) my dear dear friend i love you even more than i did 25 years ago my heart is with you in great sorrow for losing your mom. please let me know if you want to talk. if only i could be with you to eileen dav-ies your pain.... all my love
  7. "I Did It Because I Love You" my favorite i think
  8. okay okay okay stop stop stop i'm dead now maloney and cheese help me god you can really die from laughing you know
  9. I charlie la count it ALL joy to celebrate the birth of the gwen carpenter's son along with the randy&marianne weissmans. yes we shall sing carols (ryan & sell) together in dan church or in a small hayward chappell . shall we also have a glass of jerry&margie mc sherry and decorate a beauuuutiful allison-shelia fiyrn tree ? happy mike holliday each and every one....
  10. thank you i needed that i haven't felt so blessed since chris geer reproved me
  11. awwwww foggie i'm glad you took care of your brother
  12. tref, fondling president !!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha but really that title could go to any of them
  13. pitcher of fig pep please Teeeeeeneeeey New Mexico !!!! i've stumbled around there red-eye !!!!! on another thread 2life was sharing how blessed she was to have been in Gunnison with that little red beast B B B Beautiful tuttles !!!!!!!
  14. i don't know i've heard about it. seems like another goddang cult. but isn't everything
  15. i agree kryssie. i also agree when there is no hope for life of an infant
  16. by the way what the hay i think your post was horrible you don't judge anyone, do you ? just like twi, you judge like mad and then put it back on god oops excuse me, i'm going to talk to the boss (about you) ha !
  17. i guess the devil puts you in those situations and then you must believe to get out of them
  18. maybe stepping down eh ? i didn't think she could sink any lower !!!!
  19. Netherlands Hospital Euthanizes Babies Nov 30, 4:24 PM (ET) By TOBY STERLING roman catholic organizations and the vatican are outraged. HA !
  20. no more hunger and thirst but first be a person who needs people.... -- tonto, i am so very sorry about your losing your dad
  21. HI TGN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah there were so many people with impurities in their blood in twi, amzing !
  22. simon, you're a lazy bum. just ask what-the-hay :)--> actually, great post !!!!! when you get the secret magical formula, please don't keep it a secret, okay ?
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