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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you scared the hell out of me simon. i just woke up and am having my coffee and you sang that ! next time some warning ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah
  2. david, do you know if the grocery store aquafina water has a lot of oxygen ? -- i am laughing my head off about the rooster deciding to take on fluff now that the ladies were around !!!!!!!!!!
  3. sorry i wasn't clear; i meant chris kent is barbara wilkinson's brother.
  4. well i like to rise and shine and give god the glory glory i spend an hour reading a word another hour doing a retemory another hour flossing all this while SITting tempted and tried, we're oft made to tuttle....
  5. i really want to thank you all for such great suggestions i've already started with some of them i have to get a stepstool too because there's some stuff up there that would make a devil spirit cry
  6. there was a 7th corps thing in Las Vegas not too long ago. Chris and Nancy Kent came over to visit Valerie and the others. Chris is Barbara's brother, right ?
  7. good morning teddytuddle how are you feeling ? good morning everyone else too coffee and hugs
  8. wow chas thank you !!!!! i have been organizing and cleaning at the same time and it's been very frustrating i know kryssie i know
  9. what i heard is that we are free from all those damn requirements / laws / guilt for doing it wrong and not receiving dah dah dah i was so enslaved in twi
  10. this is even better than the puddle jokeigotout, i know that spirit !!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha okay okay i give you are too funny replace the windows !!!!!! i was just talking to simonzee about not washing shower curtains, just replace them oh paw thank you for the tip abuot the bon bons i'm gonna shoot you
  12. ps. i 'm sorry i can't help saying this if only vp practiced what he preached
  13. hi david of long posts and ? go on ?who decides the nonsense ? and lies even ? (in other words, i don't know what you were implying)
  14. dear (((((((( sir ))))))) would you drop me an email when you have a sec. ?
  15. gene kelly is christ or the counterfeit ?
  16. i feel like crying my mom was a battered wife for years and yearsone time she went to the dentist and he lovingly? kindly stroked her cheek. she broke down and sobbed and couldn't stop
  17. hi linzee !!!!! sounds VERY good to me and if igotluck wins the lottery, i hear he's paying shanta la manta las vegas
  18. i agree but right now i would have to clean (and kill the dogs) before i let them in
  19. please don't move this out of the booths up front !!!!!! i'm supposed to be cleaning now (before i decorate) but i'd rather talk about it damiegotout ;)--> when i do windows and mirrors, i need tips on no streaks and how to clean fast, ok ? kryssie, the best thing i've gotten since my son is my dyson animal (thank you zixar and dottie), but it's too heavy for you i used to be so clean but now with these dogs and bird and kid and my unrenewed mind, i just don't know i want to know cleaning tips to make my life easier !!!! well what do you think ? or don't you care ? mwah
  20. hmm is right as far as "playing god," seems to me some folks are playing god when they prolong death for a dear suffering soul
  21. ha ! radar, et al. get the freak outta here ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  22. would you know who is on his staff ?-- i don't know, tref.... -- jt, if you thought twi couldn't get any worse, you just said it.... i can't get started on that psycho
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