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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. wish you luck in your search jsamuel
  2. from http://crime.about.com/od/sex/a/megans_law.htmso sorry mark about your career. this law should make it easy for people to find your twig oops sorry you'll be doing prison outreach for a while
  3. F you craig !!!! and i'm sure frikkin rosalie and donna and all your other twi precious leaders sat there and listened to this crap
  4. gosh radar how very sad i never knew this person. i haven't really been associated with any perverts in twi since wierwille thank you judge snyderi have to add that i had kept a secret for years like a cancer but finally unburdened myself to one person, wierwille, when i was a teenager....
  5. i shall take your word on it :)-->
  6. excathedra

    New job!!!

    what's that policy ? no substantial pets !!!!
  7. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha it (tim) grieves him to take his hand outta there
  8. excathedra

    New job!!!

    that's wonderful !!!!!!!!
  9. i read that only a small part of his empire is being "restructured" because it makes financial sense ???? i agree about the hair
  10. is that what weewillie's term earballs is about ?
  11. ummmm he can't take his hand out of his bosom
  12. i feel so bad when i see the ones who are innocent get out after like 20 years or whatever i can't imagine a worse nightmare than being wrongly convicted
  13. from what i can remember: i was attracted to the idea of really knowing god, being able to communicate with him just like you would a person, etc. i stayed because i thought if i left, i would be dog dirt what started out as a seemingly nice outfit evolved into the ONLY place to be if you wanted to serve god i don't even know when it happened. i liked it at first because it helped get over some of hte old catholic guilt and then without my even realizing it, it was way worse
  14. go to the ant, thou sluggard
  15. i thought "the way" and "the word" were the same
  16. thank you for pointing that out oh wait, it's there under the post now
  17. ps. simon, i don't believe in eternal hell maybe purgatory
  18. well i would like to jump your hot bones oops this was supposed to go to a moderator's email i'm confused... old... but not too old to send private topics hubba hubba
  19. i only just saw your post, simonzee i have no frikkin clue grounds for going to hell or pergatory ? i don't know REALLY i have no idead and i would not, ever, ever, care to decide sucha thing my post is more about people's perception of how you can harm someone
  20. ps. i could give a flying soul who goes where let's just keep the "facts" accurate
  21. Really don't think plagiarism (i'll leave that part out) get a clue bible man, adultery is not what took place. soul stealing is what happened.... which led to a disregard for GOD foralmost....ing ever got it ? oh yeah, who told him those "things" were wrong ? where did he learn those things ? you're probably a good guy, just very misguided
  22. excathedra


    innocent innocense innocence OHMYGOD the way made me lose my ability to spell !!!!!!! oh sheet sorry, it's old age ;)-->
  23. excathedra


    JM, are you 18 or 19 years old ? i have to say this is one of the toughest threads for me of course you should follow your heart, do what you want, etc., etc...... back when i (insecure lonely catholic incest survivor that i was) followed my heart, i really really wonder what i would have done if i had the internet.... some of the people i met were so great, i think so even now. i just would NOT have wrapped my life up into the way ministry but youth, innocence, ignorance..... it's all behind me now, thank god
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