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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. hi nikie, love you nollaig shona duit! happy christmas in irish! :)--> -- ok so the good ol' boy didn't work for you.... how 'bout simply.... aboundin' in everyfin it's amazin' what the word of can do .... or how 'bout "i smoked pot with the beatles"
  2. excathedra

    Is Santa Real?

    we had santa for a few years. i actually miss him.... the conversation gets really interesting now when my son talks about jesus and santa in the same breath asking for proof :)-->
  3. i'll tell you what else they've got down to an artform.... convincing people it's a privilege to sign up and pay for a class that sucks
  4. i trusted the word of the person who told me -- glad, i'm pretty sure they are still very "in"
  5. none of your business eh ? your "abundant sharing" any of your business ? it houses donna quite comfortably
  6. i have a truck but i'm not going to help you.... ;)--> ;)--> ;)--> merry christmas my dear darling friends !!!!! hey i talked to just one good ol' boy that got born again. he don't do the wild and crazy things he did way back then. instead of raising hell, he's raising his believing.... anyway he sends his love to y'all
  7. oh i hate everybody but i just got back from the most beautiful 5th grade play where they sang about christmas, kwanzaa, hanukkah.... stuff that would make even geo. cry well you know what i mean
  8. "kids" always want to know they're not alone or totally odd and that they belong to a family like dear socks, i hope they haven't pushed anybody over the edge
  9. they should have "all perverts day" like catholics have "all souls day" and "all saints day"
  10. i know what i'd like her to do....
  11. there is no f'ing excuse for that EVER EVER EVER. that is the way ministry to me in a nutshell. kick a dog when he's downand i'm not referring to that guy when i say dog. i am referring to wayfers
  12. ohmygod how horrible thelema the children slept away from their parents, right ? i've never been to that place. weren't the rooms real little (like to fit one miserble nun) for the parents and then the kids all slept together ? what a f'd up environment for a child growing up i heard that a top guy who was in charge of children's fellowship (G*** B*********) was a pervert i am glad this one guy got busted and i'm very sad it took so long. and what about the ones who never get caught. sucks. (i ADORE your signature)
  13. seth, it's a case of the blind leading the blind....
  14. really, rejoice ? wow ! where did you hear that ?aren't his siblings step siblings ?
  15. did i already tell you i almost had a nervous breakdown when my son was in 1st ? (he did kindergarten in a private school and started 1st with the public school system)
  16. this teacher is gone soon on maternity leave? let it go then.... one year my kid's beloved (i mean, i liked her) teacher left to have a baby and the old bitty (sorry but she was) that came in turned out to be just what he needed -- i say, relax.... at this point.... and i'm only saying this because i care
  17. excathedra


    thank you for letting me know you are 18, dear JM i was your age when i got involved i'm 48 now (hope that doesn't scare you ;)-->) feel free to write me at excathedra2000@yahoo.com hugs and best wishes
  18. haven't followed the gay discussion closely but just want to say i have doubts about all scripture KJV or AOV (any other version) being GOD
  19. oh cumminsflipper doooooooon't make me do a word studdddddyyyyyyyyyyy pleeaasseeee YOU ARE RIGHTEOUS NOW !!! where the hell is nika
  20. galen, i don't think you and i are very different at all even though i went through the frikkin corps training you lived on a submarine for a long time -- i can't relate i lived close to the f'd up leadership -- you can't relate but no matter how much you helped people, as I did, it's still a damn hurtful cult, in my humble opinion, okay ? i think you're great, by the way
  21. i have no clue about hammie and hairy
  22. well this is exactly what happened when geer tried to pass sentence on martindale and whoever elseit also happened a lot in wierwille's reign
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