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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. ohhhhhhhh thank you, sky i think we all got a lot more (or less) than we bargained for "in-residence" made it so much easier for weewillie to practice "what was available" thank god for men like you, simon, tuttles, shipper, strange..... so many good people in this life
  2. what the hay, i was thinking about child sexual abuse when i asked you that.... the thread being about a TWI minister getting 6 years for sexual assaults against a child.
  3. excathedra


    my techie enhanced relatives have tivo
  4. excathedra


    well i had to read instructions but my kid didn't
  5. you mean a case opened against a pennsylvania way leader ? sorry, i think i misunderstood
  6. excathedra


    you mean you don't get to pick the free single each week ? thank you, oldies, i did the iTunes all by myself :)-->
  7. excathedra


    my son got an ipod for christmas, the 20GB for 5,000 songs. my girlfriend told me that we would get one song a month or week free from apple but i haven't found that yet.
  8. simonzee, i was wondering where you were at Sound Out awwwww 21,your darling baby girl !!!!!
  9. or find other people to hang out with sorry for all you've been through ((((((eagle))))))) that's why you feel so whipped (no courage on my part needed) my neighbors (a couple in their late 60s) told me about their church's hot line for prayer or whatever you call it. incidentally, they know i do not attend any church and they have never ever gotten on my case.
  10. see me, my heartfelt admiration to your daughter and to you and your family who are the branch and state leadership ? can i know on here ?my prayers and support for the pennsylvania people and all the victims
  11. thank god you stood in the gap tuTTles
  12. well i just hope weewillie isn't nearby-- oh sheet i just got what you said
  13. well darn damnit i (compulsively) was trying to wait for the day too ! happy birthday dear chuck and i will try to be back on the 6th and i am also thinking of starting a thread on idiosyncrasies (sp?) meaning OCD. i want comfort mwah mwah mwah happy birthday to you
  14. what can be difficult about anger is that it may disguise itself and get all mixed up with deep depression and severe anxiety other difficulties are that you can get hit in the face with it when you least expect it self love is a big help with anger, in my humble opinion goddamnit -- just saw your post, kryssie, knock me over with a feather, too many hugs, i hear ya'
  15. i found and find lots more than a smidgeon of good in you, sky
  16. i did a fast count of first year list and got 316 ??? don't know how many we lost or picked up by graduation..... but it's gotta' be in that ballpark somewhere, you think ?
  17. i watch dr. phil (i sowwy, how could i resist, chinny ? ;)--> ;)--> ;)-->)
  18. i personally was still trying to figure out who i was when i had just left home and got in twi so when i got out, it was like starting over to find "me" (in many ways), even though i was in my 30s and not a freshman in college.... scared the "h" out of me
  19. dpi drips per inch grease drips that is new year's resolution: not to post until someone catches up with me (snort)
  20. dear eagle, i'm sad for all you and debbie have been through. and i am very very glad to hear about how your sons are doing. i will keep them in my prayers. i hope you both know it was not up to that person to decide about not praying because of what he thought they had or did not have coming to them. once in a while i call a church around here (i've never stepped foot in the joint except for a wedding) because they have a prayer request thingy. i tell them what i need them to pray for. they never ask me if i'm in their church or for any details. they just add me to their list. nice people.
  21. sincere thank you for boring me, danny !!!!!!!!!!!!
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