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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. not if he works at pizza hut
  2. ohmygod she was miss veepee and you were miss howard ? that's "hilarious" (i know it wasn't really)
  3. the 3 S's of simon sounds so spiritual
  4. ha ha simon !!!!! ** i'm with you on this one, abi
  5. damn right pawtucket haven't read the thread yet too close to home
  6. :)--> jardi they are reprobate aren't they ? ((((( coolchef )))))
  7. could you tell us how you really feel Z ?
  8. ex70's don't let your wife read that !!!!!
  9. swello, your fiance and the girls are talking about your ya ya
  10. dear eagle, i remember that too, but "condemned because i WAS corpse" and could not measure up.... trying to hold down a job, trying to make a marriage work, trying to run a branch, trying to get off all the weekends (a day before and day after) to set up and tear down etc. etc. i failed at every turn, and i shouldn't have failed.... i was CORPS goddangitit hurt i did not transfer that hurt onto others....
  11. thy elrod and thy staff they comfort me ** tittlewinks, i would that god would get his needs and wants parallel
  12. ha Jim ! there were some great "corps grads" in my area and some a$$holes and there were some great "noncorps grads" in my areas and some a$$sholes but i imagine overall the people who personally trained in a round-the-clock environment had the majority of a$$holes what you look at you become :)--> sometimes, that is
  13. gosh ab, you went in the corps and you didn't even know it....
  14. the greatest leader is the greatest servantwhat a sucking joke dearest lurker innie, you have to think about stuff like this. i swear, you gotta love abuse. been there done that myself. best of luck, really. hugs.
  15. a la prochaine, what you posted really stinks, but boy, way too common humiliate and shame people, make them feel like worthless scum.... yeah, that'll get 'em more committed evan, that was a nice story about kindness
  16. skipper, is your revelation at cross purposes with my revelation ????
  17. wonderful ! but enough ? i'd always like to hear more you should have posted this in the thread shell started because it's not silly !!!!
  18. will somebody punch zshot please p-mosh i am still laughing about your dog woke up and looked out, it's still coming down i can't see my neighbor's car, it's under some snow
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