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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. ha ha ha ha ha ha techno ! you were a what ?
  2. LMAOentitlement, lack of empathy.... that's him
  3. i think it was to make your body, the vehicle of communication of the word, as vital as possible
  4. on one of my first dates with an unbeliever, we took his dog to the bay to swim. what a lovely romantic scene.... the 3 of us romping.... playing in the water. the dog got the runs from the salt water and went all over me. i'm thinking.... i could have stayed in TWI for this kind of dang ;)-->
  5. something else (thanks HCW for all these goddamn flashbacks ;)-->) why would a person need to climb rocks to show how much they wanted to know and love god and help others ? i know it's being said here already, but sorry i just want to wonder aloud....
  6. i caught that anti thingy raf :)--> ;)--> :)--> david saved my heart when i thought i didnt have one..... thank you david
  7. been crying over this since you wrote it, sunesis, i just want to thank you. it's been a long long time since i heard anyone say.....
  8. oh gosh i hope he posts here so i can give him my love and find out how dear dear mick is doing.....
  9. poor rochelle committed suicide after they threw her out of the corps i believe correct me if i'm wrong, but she used the pain pills she had gotten from being hurt in the lead accident also, sunesis (who loved her very much) said she had suffered from this before. but i guess they didn't think about these things, i don't know broken heart.....
  10. much love and birthday wishes for a future of all happiness and miracles, dear shell
  11. i'm sorry but i have to say this, oldies please open up your eyes or your heart
  12. ohmygod vickles, i was going to respond to suzie and then i read what you wrote. i'm speechless. it is so much like that time for me in the motorcoach i'm horrified and dear suzie, i had no idea about them not paying for sick children to see the doctor
  13. choo choo (derail) how'd things turn out with your wonderful kid today at the ceremony ?
  14. when i was in my 30's i went to one of my first party with "unbelievers." went up to the hosts' dog to say hi (in a kennel run in the backyard with everyone watching) and it lifted its big foot leg and peed on me
  15. can i have some ? i'm trying to help my fifth grader
  16. ala, i am humbly laughing my head off plunck what sound does a head make when it falls off ? ** okay a bumble bee flew into my strawberry ice cream cone when i was a kid
  17. from http://www.coasttocoastam.comway to go paddy !!!!!!!!!! i'm listening to him being interviewed now !!! how cool :)-->
  18. yes ala, please listen to shell :)-->
  19. i LOVE your pic, linzee and yours socks i keep meaning to tell mstar, i don' think i ever met anyone who has never eaten a banana (how do you spell bananna ?)
  20. thank you for responding kryssie, i decided to delete my post, i hope you don't mind
  21. excathedra


    you're a peach paw
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