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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. thank you for the beautiful pictures (sniffles)
  2. they're still in belle ? they just can't get enough punishmnet eh ? what a shame
  3. ha ha ha ha ha ha non-standing non-members.... and then you've got your unbelieving believers.... and your household within the household.... or family..... or.... -- gosh you two are we related, i have no C's in my name either oops i take that back, frances is my confirmation name, but i don't think that counts, it's not legal
  4. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hado tell outieaboutie, when you feel like it, that is :)--> lindy, horrible about your brother and dad
  5. excathedra

    John of God

    Roy, how ya' been ? i don't think i've seen you posting lately. i was getting worried about you. glad to see you.
  6. i hope the boys take it alright
  7. I think, and believe the psych world says so, that people who have experienced heavy trauma, especially in childhood, will have a much harder time with a trauma like an accident. and much worse if they haven't worked through their old stuff. a lot of times they will use childhood coping techniques which are not the right ones anymore. last night i was thinking about myself and all the people i knew in twi with unresolved heavy duty problems.... sorry for choo choo. i was actually thinking about sweet rochelle when it wrote this.
  8. she probably wants the accident report from the police station
  9. i hear ya rascal. that's one reason i think it's so hurtful if they really have a slogan or whatever on their web site to take a class instead of seeing a shrink
  10. i just read your newest post, howard.... how horrible not to be able to be there for each other as friends, "family." taking away someone's right to grieve and go over the events together. i get it.
  11. Every person reacts differently to a traumatic event (life-threatening ones and emotional ones) depending on their makeup, past, etc. (could shed some light on why some people think a thing is no big deal while it's a very big deal to someone else, but that's a different subject). So much is intertwined here, not to mention brain injury. What a shame people didn't get much needed appropriate care and support.
  12. hugs :)--> you are incredible !!!!! what a mind you have mstar i wish i could see all your work
  13. mstar, priceless. you are truly a riot. got anymore stained glass secrets ?
  14. dearest howard, i humbly say to you that this accident (and i mean, accident) was not your fault and neither was rochelle's suicide in any way your fault this poor baby had psychological problems and soul heartaches long before the lead accident i see how things progressed and i'm sick and sorry she did not get counseling in TWI for her darling life before LEAD, before the corps program, after LEAD, etc. and then making her leave the only family she knew was the final straw in her depression the LEAD accident did not "cause" her depression TWI was not equipped to handle real problems of the mind, soul. take it from one who knows. i just want you to realize that the LEAD story and the story of this beautiful young girl are not exactly one in the same. it is a part, yes more later
  15. i'm very very sorry al a. your poor dad.... i don't know the answer to your question. i'm guessing things were not so strict back then but i do not know love, ex
  16. back to animals. i had a cat named jerry who would suck on your earlobe like it was nursing. it was disgusting. you'd be asleep and wake up to this "thing" happening to your earlobe.... i can still hear the sucking sound and feel it..... yuck didn't matter how many times you threw him across the room -- as soon as you fell asleep he'd be back for more....
  17. you were in a much more SANE mindset oldies, you were smart....but i wouldn't have thought so at the time just the thought of it was so very devastating, horrible, like losing your SELF i'm sorry for what you went through
  18. well i'm dying ..... linzee you had me there sniffing and licking tires.... then you went and told your mom's tale someone hand me a towel for my monitor oh god outie, let me know when tootsie appears, i'd love to know where he / she is right now
  19. you people are marvelous one time we had a funeral for our turtle SAM he walked into a long hard strawlike blade of grass with his mouth open and it went in and all the way down and he died
  20. me too hammer !!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  21. drag your dead dog to twig and ask twig leader to raise it from the dead.... sowwy ** laughing my a$$ off peahead
  22. poor boo boo hammer ha ! outie -- one time in high school we had a beer party without our parents' permission. it was was winter and snowing out anyway when the spring came and the snow melted there were hundreds of brown bottles in our backyard and in our neighbors' backyard we got in trouble it's weird to get in trouble so after the fact
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