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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. hey do i have gills ? or a hilt, for that matter ?
  2. you all musta been WALKIN' ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ahhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ahhh
  3. ohgosh i hope no one is copying my posts
  4. pfal has something just for you it teaches you keys to unlock the door and how to walk right through so if you want to have a powerful life that's more than abundant toooooooo than pfal is the class for youuuuuuuuu
  5. barf ! did you ever see any of those lists about what leadership liked ? all that shtuff to have on hand ? sowwy for the continued choo choo
  6. you have to be in it, it to win it thus saith someone ;)-->
  7. so in other words, don't go there if you're not blessed to the gills (?) is that the right saying ? georgio, amen brutha !!!!!!!!
  8. i thought the only comedy you did was here, mic, er, mike ;)--> ;)--> ;)--> ;)--> ;)--> ;)--> ;)--> ;)--> ;)--> ;)--> ;)--> ps. i think that's cool :)-->
  9. large percentage of danger for poor little ones - people they know http://www.cpiu.us/childsafety.php?name= http://www.childlures.com/
  10. mstar i asked him for his autograph and he said no and i told him it was for my little brother (who standing right next to me) and he still refused. was a real snot about it
  11. thanks galen but after reading what outie aboutie wrote, i don't think it sounds like much fun either :)-->
  12. abi, let me know if you want me to find some of the books i got about what to say to your kids to help them be wise without making them basketcases ? PT me and i'll send you whatever i have
  13. paw my ex got custody of the collaterals in the divorce
  14. i remember finnegan wiped the floor with me and reduced me to tears for something i supposedly did in my job to annoy (enrage!) him my dept. head told me he was under a lot of spiritual pressure. i told her he should get another job
  15. yeah but my3 what about the ONE who wins !!!!
  16. thanks dmill Username: excathedra Region Coordinator: pawtucket Branch Coordinator: pawtucket E-mail address: pawtucket@greasespotcafe.com Password: greasespot Confirm password: greasespot
  17. what percentage would that be paw ?
  18. ps. have you heard anything about 12-year-old girl who lives with her grandma ?
  19. that is a tough situation abi my neighborhood seems okay but of course i teach my child all the stuff. i started reading books on how to teach him when he started walking i think :)--> he has a cell phone. it is my tracking device. even when he's going from one place to another he gives me a call just to let me know. i like to know where he is but i'm tired of driving all around the neighborhood - that's why the cell. plus when they were building a fort in the woods and heard a noise he called me and i was there in less than 5 minutes. i pray a lot. your kids are still pretty little, abi. i can remember going on the next block where my son wanted to play in a street hockey game. he was probably 6 or 7. i sat there in my car the entire time watching him play (it was cold out). ps. walkie talkies are a lot cheaper and work great other parents have told me. (one time i read that kids can't really judge the distance of a car when crossing the street until they are about 8 years old. that freaked me out and i thought about it all the time, thank god he's past 8 and he's real careful crossing the street)
  20. couch avocado ha ha ha ha ha ha i love you guys. no pressure ;)-->
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