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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. you're right, i don't know if it was a bad thing for him
  2. i almost always feel bad for people having bad things happen to them. don't know if that is codependcy or the holier thing about not rejoicing in iniquity :)--> probably what gets my goat (baaaaahhhh) is when people try to lead and be know-it-alls the greatest leader is supposed to be the greatest servant. who said that ? jesus or veepee ;)--> who lives it ?
  3. geeooooddddddddd i wish i had 15 emails
  4. truer words were never spoken.... just like the rest of us and "them" lol
  5. dear L.K.R. i don't see any email in your profile please email me at excathedra2000@yahoo.com and i'll give you jim's phone number ps. i asked him for permission
  6. it's him that's why we didn't believe him in chat due to his spelling of his own name !!!!! we also discussed his demise for which i apologized when we spoke ! :)--> i hope Jim figures out how to post here
  7. look at that little button to the right bottom corner it says reply
  8. and hope like heck you will post WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME
  9. i still pray to the 4 crucified oops maybe i'm getting that mixed up with my catholic upbringing ;)-->
  10. oh i'm so sorry your husband cried. is he happy now ? how 'bout his mom ? is she "in" or "out" ? happy ? ** "burdens in the household" holy crap
  11. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha my first was about 10 older, my second 6-7 younger
  12. how many years younger is he, outie ?
  13. i'm gonna be sad when you're finished
  14. is this the precious wonderful magnificent bob wyda who "finished" lol with the 9th corps ? i love him
  15. i'm celebrating with ya outie let me just pencil you in on my redeemed time analysis sheet
  16. 5 star i think.... what does 5 represent ? what does 3 represent ? perhaps a 6 star :)-->
  17. I was around when TWI-1 was f*cking with folks bigtime
  18. excathedra

    My turn

    laughing about the $250 ticket 25 years later.... amazing ! you so funny and write so well !
  19. i'm sorry i let down my spiritual guard for a moment got thin mints ?
  20. alfie, can you tell me how you really feel ? hey if you wanna' wait 2 years, that's cool ;)--> and geo. i wish you would have given me that monkees fanclub card i'm a believer i couldn't leave her if i tried
  21. i can't decide which self-appointed relationship guru annoys me more.... dr. gray or dr. phil
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