i almost always feel bad for people having bad things happen to them. don't know if that is codependcy or the holier thing about not rejoicing in iniquity :)-->
probably what gets my goat (baaaaahhhh) is when people try to lead and be know-it-alls
the greatest leader is supposed to be the greatest servant. who said that ? jesus or veepee ;)-->
who lives it ?
dear L.K.R. i don't see any email in your profile
please email me at excathedra2000@yahoo.com and i'll give you jim's phone number
ps. i asked him for permission
it's him
that's why we didn't believe him in chat due to his spelling of his own name !!!!!
we also discussed his demise for which i apologized when we spoke ! :)-->
i hope Jim figures out how to post here
alfie, can you tell me how you really feel ? hey if you wanna' wait 2 years, that's cool ;)-->
and geo. i wish you would have given me that monkees fanclub card
i'm a believer i couldn't leave her if i tried