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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. we already have a st.thersa i thought purgatory was gone, oh no maybe that was limbo rottie, i don't know the answer to your question about why now ?
  2. can't you just put it in a dropdown menu ?
  3. let everyone do their own little sayings above their picture start my thread count at 1 tanks
  4. how did you do that like this Something like this?[/font]
  5. the exorcist scared me. i think there's another one out. should i see it ? scare me !!!!
  6. you sure you're being accurate, outie ? i seem to remember "outside" funds.... well i don't remember having any either.... ** thanks for the info. toadie :)-->
  7. tell me more stories outie i guess i have to go check how little brother is doing, i love his stories too !
  8. the part of her poor brain where thoughts are made is all liquid ? how do you get therapy for that ? how do you have a life without thoughts ? heartbreaking
  9. oh boy i don't know.... ** side note to shar, you're too young to remember willowbrook. i used to go there to work in summer with my uncle (i was a young kid). his group of "boys" in their 40's who were like 8 (or was it younger) LOVED to brush my hair of course i had no idea (and i hope my uncle didn't either) of the conditions he was a day person and he worked with them in "shop" or "class" i never saw mattresses or sleeping rooms or anything like that
  10. happy easter, JT and all ohmygod do you realize how many jelly bean flavors there are to choose from ? jolly ranchers, starbursts, sweet tarts, i can't even remember i have good friday off, do you ?
  11. shar, re: geraldo, are you talking about willowbrook on staten island ?
  12. great thread, horse they would have seemed more credible if everything wasn't spiritualized. even my mom, who believes in an evil power used to look at me like..... ** this is off the subject maybe but seems as good a time as any to tell my son (5th grade) asked me last week if dead people ever talk to me in my head. i said no, i don't think so. then he told me they were reading a story about beethoven in class (i think that's who he said, someone like that). anyway, beethoven asked him if wanted to be a musican and he said, "no way, hockey is what i love." and beethoven said, "good luck, i hope you make it to the NHL." and that was it. i told him "cool." :)--> oh, i did tell him that grandma talks to her mom in her head all the time
  13. rot, what about the woman from everybody loves raymond ? (do you mean the wife on the show ?)
  14. garth, in direct answer to your question, I would honor my child's wishes
  15. i'm so glad you're not dead and that your hives went away listen to horse, dear lurkers !
  16. hmmmmm i'll give you $20 bucks plus shipping or i'm gonna order it off the internet for 15.95
  17. wierwille stole the jesus movement too
  18. yeah right got it long gone
  19. just like you, another adorable cutie !
  20. howard had the same ways. remember all their "hunting" trips together. they didn't just get pheasantsthat other bus driver too, the one who thinks he's something... geer
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