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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. oh we were so much fun (even though we loved our "leader") she and i seemed to bring more people "to the lord" because we were fun -- and kind -- and real we would do anything for people because we really loved them and wanted to help them never sat right with us regarding the quotas, class stuff
  2. i don't know krys and dot and t and roy, etc., thank you with love as far as comfort, if the dead know NOTHING 'til the next SECOND which is CHRIST, that seems very nice then there's my mom who always talks to her mom in her head and asks for her help, which i would like to do when my mom dies but of course i talk to god and christ in my head every second of the day it seems, which i've always done i'm rambling.... when my son's dearest friend dave (19 yrs) died last month, all these kids talked to him on facebook telling him they were so glad he was in a better place and watching over them and stuff like that. my kid told him that not a day went by he didn't think about him and he wanted to at least have said goodbye, etc. i wouldn't take that away from any of those kids, honestly i don't know if i'm making sense, but it's nice to talkk love,e
  3. i didn't watch the vidoe roy, but i have always lived in sin
  4. that would be me or dot matrix ohmygod how humiliating. she and i hung out at some pub and we invited everyone over to a bbq or a summer fun party. then our "leader" came home from a trip. he started passing out those f'ing songbooks. he wasn't invited to the party damn it!!!!!!! right, dot? lol
  5. guilt has always worked on me - no difference with "the way" - i don't care how pretty they tried to make it look
  6. oh jj maybe you should try to go with the lovely freedom of not having to witness and if anyone witnesses to you, you can just punch them in the nose :)
  7. you're only 40 and i think you have a great head on your shoulders and a great future and some really cool stuff has happened to you since you left the cult. i think many more great things will happen for you love,e
  8. :) hugs newlife i think you're better off
  9. how old are you newlife? and thank you all for the birthday wishes and nice posts love,e
  10. what did i say lifted up? i can't remember and i'm glad you still love me and where are her blogs and your responses? and i wish you would keep going
  11. excathedra

    caption this

    this was supposed to be marijuana
  12. excathedra


    i agree with you, buff but there's a lovely mind thing called denial i had my kid baptized in the catholic church to please grandparents, but that was it didn't do communion, confirmation, any other such sacrements. never brought him to a mass some people in my family think i have failed miserably. well, i have, but not in that regard both my aunts are nuns -- excuse me, one is an ex-nun. she only went in to please her mother (a nutcase - my grandmother) because her older sister did. her life is destroyed -- over -- she's still alive, but dead inside. she loved men, she loved children, but gave it all away and by the time she got kicked out or left the "order" - it was too late i have so much more to say about the catholic church of my upbringing, but it tires me out. i'm sure i'll get re-energized eventually lol
  13. excathedra


    i just talked to someone who i LOVE LOVE LOVE (exwayfer) he wants sandusky to rot for grooming and raping little boys i want him to know there is not much difference in these leaders i don't know, what do you all think? sports, reglions, which one is more seductive? does it have to be one sex over another? age 11 vs. 15, 17? i don't want to get into a philosophical discussion I JUST F U CCC KING HATE ABUSERS all done for now
  14. today is my 56th birthday i have other things i want to say but i can't bring myself to say them it would just show what a failure i am and i don't want to hear it out loud
  15. excathedra


    everybody should do get psych screens in particular positions but then no one would get a job and the ones at the top? what should we do with them? and what should we do with the psych experts? i feel "a need" to say something to a few people i know here -- well, they're not on here anymore -- if you got sick or thought badly of sandusky, i want you to think about wierwille and realize that's the kind of hurt and bullshti -- no matter how good a coach either of them were (in your opinion)
  16. awwww, will you marry me shortfuse?
  17. i don't know. i'm just screwed up plain and simple first wayfer marriage just turned 25 second marriage nonwayfer just turned 37 i just don't believe in marriage or soulmates or any of that crap maybe i should become a nun and marry jesus
  18. would that be the way woods? i'm sorry, couldn't let that one go by.....
  19. excathedra


    328 New Knoxville OH 45871
  20. excathedra


    it has been helping some victims i wish that my brothers could have gone to trial like this with father butler, but it wasn't meant to be. they had been groomed, bought many gifts like stereos and bicycles, etc., when they were altar boys. we were very poor and they didn't have a father figure. father butler used to let them drink and drive his car when they were 14 and 15, but he had started on them way before then my brothers went before a catholic church council of some sort (well, one of them did) and they let butler off the hook ("monsignor" szymanski was supposed to attend -- he was the head pastor when my brothers were abused -- he didn't show.) i think butler finally got in trouble at age 81 after having been sent to many different parishes over the years. i was talking to one of my brothers about father butler because of the sandusky trial and i asked him if he would kill butler if he could and he said, that brother has been in therapy for 25 years. the other one used to go to alleys to pay for BJs even though he's not a homosexual. he's doing okay. he was very very hurt and shocked when the catholic diocese blah blah blah panel absolved butler it's really sad all of this (sorry to bring one of my stories to the table) - i derailed my own thread - boo hoo i believe power does corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. but i need good quote about people who get into powerful positions on purpose BECAUSE they are corrupt and sick and degenerate. you know what i mean? there are so many religious leaders, politicians, coaches, teachers, law enforcers, counselors, etc., you name it, who get into a profession because they want to continue in their "game" - it's not getting into the powerful position that corrupts them -- they want the powerful position because they are corrupt
  21. excathedra


    posted this in sports, no response so may he rot in hell here
  22. only read the opening post and i liked :)
  23. lovely reply. thanks.
  24. i truly appreciate the replies and the respect love,e
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