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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. will write more later, i just wanted to thank you all so much for helping me out you're very wise (not just you simon, you egomaniac) love, ex
  2. gee how can i thank you Z ? i told my kid not to be sad about this season because if he was pitching he could beat his friend with a bat and kill him what in the hell ???? i'm really insulted you brought this heartwrenching tragedy to this thread ** as far as your next insult about the people in the league being thoroughly ....ed at a parent ?????? guess you missed my post about the president of the league being an arrogant condescending SOB anyow, i know you're not a mom or a parent so .... ** you other guys i appreciate everything you've said. i've been letting my son read it so it would help him. thanks too much oh george, he LOVES catching !!!!!! looks like the coach wants to put him as shortstop for the most part, which is cool oh yeah i don't want to forget, i told him if i'm late signing him up next year AGAIN, his auntie sharon would buy him a team ! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha thanks again you guys
  3. shar, haven't read your post yet, going to bed mark, just skimming yours, don't know what you're addressing with satori ** my feeling, any catholic who is a catholic should think twice about why they think what they think :)--> will never happen ALL MY FAMILY is catholic, nuns, priests, etc., etc. too bad so sad your holy dad
  4. excathedra

    Bad Manners

    basic kindness and manners are for cultheads!!!!! damn it but no, seriously, you have a great point. hierarchy is an interesting term. i felt for the longest time (still not sure) that i am in another cult by being here yet i've gotten so helped and healed with me, the problem might be, i don't know when it's cult thinking or just regular dysfuctional-people-thinking but kindness and manners should rule no matter what. and i'm guilty for not doing that .
  5. thank you my friend and i believe you're right as well as mstar you guy are the greatest thanks so much love you
  6. you are being way too kind satori gotta love you though for even starting this stupid thread and i'm disgusted with most exwayfers for staying away from it ** edited to say i'm sorry, i'm not really disgusted with exwayfers, i'm disgusted with the catholic church what else is new ?
  7. ps. just so you don't think i'm the absolute worst mother in the world, we were at an ice hockey tournament during little league sign-ups. ice hockey is my boy's passion, i admit i was wrong for not thinking about the dates, etc. the calendar got away from me plus i'm old but still this guy was downright mean when i called him. ** the mayor told me he only met him once and i said well he was probably polite to you, you're the mayor and you're a man ;)-->
  8. ok we signed him up late - after the draft - but i called and a board member said, no problem, sign him up, he'll be assigned to a team who needs a player. cool, no late fee, no punishment ? nope. signed him up last year late also. no problem, but just making sure (i know, it's all my fault) so anyway, he's minor B whatever that is and he's 10 years old. he asks his coach if he can pitch (not be THE pitcher) just pitch at times. the answer is NO, NOT FOR ANY GAME WHATSOEVER. why because it's a RULE. if you sign up late, you don't get to pitch at all, not one inning. so i have a 10 year old crying and i feel awful naturally. i look on the web site, i look on the application, i look everywhere. nothing stated about this rule and guess what ? last year he pitched quite often after late sign-up so i call the president of the league and tell him all this. i kiss his butt politely for at least 10 minutes. i tell him about last year. i tell him what the board member said. i ask him about this rule. first, he basically calls me a liar (he said something like, well i wasn't there when you and the board member spoke, so i don't really know what happened). i tell him, i just told you what happened. he says well i can't say because i wasn't there. i said, you're calling me a liar ? then he says, what did the coach say ? i say the coach said the rule is NO PITCHING not even for a second, that's the rule. so i'm calling you to ask about where it's written and why since i'm paying the same amount of money as everyone else, dah dah dah he starts saying, didn't the coach defend the board ??????? i say, why are we talking about the coach ? the conversation goes on. he tells me EVERYONE KNOWS THE RULE. i said i don't. i ask where is this rule written ? he says well we're finalizing the draft of the rules.... i said, AFTER THE FACT ? so the public is not informed. he says it's been a rule forever i tell him last year there was no problem and no rule. we were late sign-ups and he pitched. he says well your son was 9 last year, now he's 10, and NOW WE'RE TALKING SERIOUS BASEBALL. so i say WE ARE ??????????????? ON AND ON finally, and i mean finally, he says, well maybe we made a mistake in not informing you about no pitching for late signups after the draft. i said oh good, you made a mistake, so you'll let the kid pitch now and then. he says THERE IS NO WAY YOUR KID WILL STEP ON THAT MOUND. he was rude, he was condescending, he was defensive, he was an as shole. (and i had kept it together really well for a long time so as not to ruin it for my kid.) when he spoke DOWN to me for the 20th time, i just hung up on him mid-sentence. that's when i wrote the post. ** the next day i got to thinking about it some more and i called the mayor. he was kind enough to explain that sometimes these boards make rules like this because, after the draft, coaches try to sneak in players (pitchers) and stack their team (unfairly). so i said, ohhhhhhhhhh that's the other side of the story where kids get hurt. (i'm not totally sure if this damn board cares about kids getting hurt, some of it sounds like pure competitiveness to me) it would have been nice if arrogant egomaniac president of the league told me the reason they have this rule, don't you think ? if he had explained it and told me why he couldn't let my kid be an exception because of all this other nonsense, i would have understood more. ** so i hope i explained all this the right way. i'm sure some of guys, pi and simon in particular, will understand it completely and probably even agree with it but this jerk talked to me like i was a dope and he didn't give one crap about my 10 year old so........ have i bored you to death ? i haven't posted because it was hard for me to explain. let me know your thoughts, if you feel like it.... i'll stand on my head and spit you a nickel ;)-->
  9. from his holiness's holy thursday letter to priests in MARCH 2002 - “At this time too, as priests we are personally and profoundly afflicted by the sins of some of our brothers who have betrayed the grace of Ordination in succumbing even to the most grievous forms of the mysterium iniquitatis at work in the world. Grave scandal is caused, with the result that a dark shadow of suspicion is cast over all the other fine priests who perform their ministry with honesty and integrity and often with heroic self-sacrifice. As the Church shows her concern for the victims and strives to respond in truth and justice to each of these painful situations, all of us – conscious of human weakness, but trusting in the healing power of divine grace – are called to embrace the “mysterium Crucis” and to commit ourselves more fully to the search for holiness. We must beg God in his Providence to prompt a whole-hearted reawakening of those ideals of total self-giving to Christ which are the very foundation of the priestly ministry.” ** afflicted by the sins of our brothers who succumb to the MYSTERY OF INIQUITY concerned for the victims then assigned this CRIMINAL who was affected by "human weakness" to head one of the great churches in Rome and to live like a king (SUCH A DISHONOR). never mind as a cardinal, giving him decision-making power in the "church" ** the "holy see" didn't know about the highest ranking church official in america and the scandal and $$$$money$$$$$ and the legal dah dah dah in boston diocese ? ha ha ha ha ha ha he finally accepted law's resignation, initially rejecting it and asking him to stay on in boston
  10. By RACHEL ZOLL, AP Religion Writer VATICAN CITY - Cardinal Bernard Law, whose failures to stop sexually abusive priests sparked the worst crisis in American church history, led a Mass for thousands mourning Pope John Paul II at St. Peter's Basilica on Monday after police whisked away a victim protesting outside. Law celebrated the Mass without disruption, saying in his homily that Italian, Polish and other pilgrims were inspiring in their huge tribute to John Paul. Nearly 3 million mourners flooded Rome for the pontiff's funeral last week. "In these incredible days, the pope continues to teach us what it means ... to be a follower of Christ," Law said, reading slowly in Italian. "Our faith has been reinforced." After the service, several worshippers from Europe said they had never heard of Law. American parishioners said they recognized him, but questioned whether the protest was appropriate right after the pope died. "It's not the time or the place," said Mary Beth Bauer, who lives in Maine and had followed the abuse crisis and Law's resignation. But some Catholics said seeing the cardinal presiding over Mass at one of the most significant sites for their faith was another sign that the Vatican did not understand the betrayal parishioners felt that he protected guilty priests. Barbara Blaine, founder of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, and Barbara Dorris, also a leader of the advocacy group, said the Vatican's choice of Law devastated victims. "We believe he should take a back seat and stay in the background so Catholics can grieve without having to have the sex abuse scandal in their face," said Blaine, who had flown into Rome just hours before the Mass. At St. Peter's Square, Blaine planned to distribute fliers, but was quickly surrounded by Italian officers who moved her without incident outside the plaza. The officers did not respond when asked why she was removed, but Blaine said they told her that news cameras were not allowed. Blaine said she felt compelled to travel to the Vatican from her home in Chicago after learning of Law's public role in memorializing the pope. The Mass is one of nine daily services for the pope for the period of mourning called Novemdiales. Law resigned as archbishop of Boston in December 2002 after unsealed court records revealed he had moved predatory clergy among parishes for years without telling parents their children were at risk. He has apologized for his wrongdoing. More than 550 people have filed abuse claims in Boston in recent years, and the archdiocese has paid more than $85 million in settlements. The scandal erupted in Boston in January 2002 and spread nationwide, causing what American Catholic bishops have called the worst crisis in the U.S. church. After Law's resignation, the pope appointed him archpriest of St. Mary Major Basilica in Rome, one of four basilicas under direct Vatican jurisdiction. Some church leaders have said the Vatican chose Law to celebrate the Mass because he leads an important church, not as a personal honor. Still, the assignment gave Law a position of influence ahead of the papal election, which is set to begin next Monday. In suburban Boston, Voice of the Faithful, a lay Catholic organization founded in response to the clergy sex abuse crisis which claims 30,000 members, said Law should not have celebrated the Mass and should not take part in the conclave that will select a new pope. "Cardinal Law is a living symbol of the Catholic Church's failures in dealing with the underlying causes of sexual abuse," the group's president, James E. Post said, in a statement. He called the scandal "one of the darkest stains on John Paul II's legacy," and said Law's high-profile role is a painful reminder of the abuse and cover-up. The Survivors Network, which claims more than 5,600 members, has spent more than a decade pressing U.S. bishops to acknowledge the scope of molestation in the church. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Law, through an aide, declined to comment on his participation in the Mass. The Survivors Network had asked the American cardinals to intervene to stop Law, but Blaine said they did not respond. Blaine, who said a priest began molesting her when she was about 12 and who received an $80,000 settlement from the Diocese of Toledo, Ohio, contended the Vatican — not her group — was responsible for making abuse an issue during the papal transition. She did not oppose Law's voting in the conclave.
  11. i know i know (i've tried to stay away from all the pope threads due to my personal lack of respect for the whole joint) but when i saw your thread i had to respond. "laughed" my head off when i heard this on the news well i'm not really adding anything because if i get started i might not stop
  12. i'm so mad i could spit nickels. tell you about it later when i'm not soooooooooo ....ed. then i'd like to know what you guys, simon, mstar et al. think damn!!!! and quit thanking me for contributing to this forum !!!!! ha just kidding paw
  13. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  14. i still feel sad when i see that clip of princess di saying how crowded the marriage was with 3 ..... or however that went .... i hope the boys are doing well.... i'm sad to see anyone's life end tragically and so young, especially being a mom
  15. nikie i love you, watch that wheat and chaff separation.... or tares.... or something.... -- YOU truly are the engine of the mystery train.... ALL ABOARD !! i have been letting these spiritual hitch hikers walk on my feet since, i don't know, 1979 i think.... do you think it's time for them to take a stand caravan ?
  16. excathedra


    happy birthday sweet fellow 56'er :)--> and i'm very very happy for you and dear oak ** the 14th ahat my little sis ? my brother dennis will be 41 on the 17th. my sister-in-law will be 40 or 41 on your birthday. my other sister will be 50 on the 16th. april's a big month. so glad you were born.
  17. oh here's the damn thread :)--> sounded like a wayfer thread to me ;)--> how are you doing today lindy ? any pain ? what happens if you don't get the piece done and you have to move ? you're moving far away.... (where, by the way ?) that was very kind of you not to make your mom choose between you and her "commitment to god." i feel like saying that maybe a little guilt would do her good, but i don't know, we got so much of that in the way ministry, you know ? i hope my son turns out like you (which of course means your mom did something right and of course i'm not raising him in a cult, just screwing up like an average person ;)-->) whatever whatever.... life is nuts many mwahs
  18. oh lindy !!! i'm so sorry. ohmygod your poor finger! i don't even know how you can do woodworking with your horrible injury. ** you are a smart wise whipper snapper (;)-->) ** wish i was your neighbor right now
  19. getting bumped from top is one thing, but by our 11th babes in toyland ?
  20. (goosebumps) what a miraclei'm so happy for you and your family shell good little sister (auntie) yelling at the nurse
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