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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. did you click on my link of hairless hayward http://www.lantecctc.com/salesstaff.htm my tuttles kumforter, your words are like hot oil being poured town my throat tuts do you have tick ? where is he ? i think he was buried in the fountain but fellow....er says he's missing
  2. http://www.lantecctc.com/salesstaff.htm
  3. i agree justloafing i think vickles was kind of saying the same thing i adore your little avitar
  4. lingo i love your mom, what a thing she did and your story was fabulous ** i don't think i could eat squirrel stew ** my dog (mostly wippet sp?) caught one not too long ago and then she and my other dog kind of played catch with it gross
  5. only you dear mstarokay back to reading and i never saw a black squirrel until i went to visit my brother in stuyvesant town, they're all over oh i've never seen a red one in person
  6. excathedra


    anyone here from roanoke ? i think that's where my dear friend is moving. i'll get back to you soon, but i would love to know she's scared. she's moving from colorado
  7. i hate that stuff - mental bondage
  8. i just got home from work. i went in by myself and tried to learn about numbers the gang they made up lasted 3 days and they gave it up. my sweet boy said, "aren't you proud of me" can i share my mother's day gift from him: M - my love O - outstanding mom T - the best mom H - helping when i need her E - every day we have fun R - remembering all the good times with her ! ahhhhhhhhhhhh then he got mad at told me it was all a lie and he didn't mean it then he told me he was sorry for saying that, he meant every word of it what are ya gonna do ? love you all
  9. excathedra

    Gay Teenagers

    ohmygosh such wonderful thoughts and wisdom in these pages thanks
  10. excathedra

    Gay Teenagers

    your precious daughter is very very fortunate foggie, and i know you are too, to have her. happy mom's day
  11. excathedra

    Gay Teenagers

    setting boundaries for kids and not tolerating certain behaviors, is love, mj i guess for purposes of this discussion, it would be like, if your child was a homosexual, you wouldn't allow them to spend the night with a person of the same sex i agree how difficult it is to understand what it's like to be in someone else's shoes
  12. excathedra

    Gay Teenagers

    i'm more of an outskirter jonny great points dear foggie, love you
  13. excathedra

    Gay Teenagers

    i don't even know what to say on this thread first of all it's taken me a long long time to get over (and always working on it) the crap i was raised with and then of course the little cult i spend a lot of time these days trying to convince neighborhood kids how wrong / hurtful their attitude is regarding homosexuality i don't know, seems we're very far from where we should be this neighborhood is primarily catholic - irish, italian and then your others (big ;)-->). most moved here from brooklyn, staten island, bronx
  14. hi LLP, well i guess since nothing negative has ever personally affected you, all is quiet on the wayfer front how 'bout that way leader you knew that went to jail for child molestation anyhow i don't buy what you said about nothing newsworthy or negative just because you experience your corner of twig world
  15. excathedra

    NHL Hockey

    if at first you don't succeed, try try again :)-->
  16. excathedra

    Gay Teenagers

    hey hey hey i was born
  17. idulterers ! trying to say it like tommy jenks
  18. you all are so frikkin funny and wonderful i can't share hearts because my seed boy boss has made me the bookkeeper and i know nothing about books except the good book then on the home front my my 10 year old is perusing gangs but i know no temptation hath taken me but such that is common to man and god will not let me be temped above that which i am able and with the temptation will make a way to escape i am waiting on the escape cookie from the cookie jar
  19. thank you dear sharon, love you unbelievable heartache dear lives thrown away tortured - don't know what to say - i will remember and i'm impressed with how you did that beautiful lettering (feel my words are inadequate, forgive me)
  20. i'm going to try to be kind here ;)--> cool dearest, i hope you're doing okay - love you karmic, you slay me
  21. isn't that horrible ? I know the priest who raped my 2 brothers (under 12) was not caught (never convicted) until my brothers were in their 30'smy mom taught me a lot about being aware of strangers but it was her own brother.... my boy is pretty aware as you can imagine since i've been talking to him for a long time what is 84's thing about lessons repeat.... not sure, but it seems to fit here
  22. excathedra

    Gay Teenagers

    what was that stuff about medication and the demons having nothing to work with ?
  23. i keep passing by this thread but this is where i belong !!!! it's just hard to comprehend. i distinctly remember working with a gal who was 35 and thinking it was nice to be working with an older woman. age is strange. my mom is 72 and her first grandchild, my first niece, is turning 30 this summer. i remember holding her when she was born (i had just turned 19) my mother just keeps saying "wha hoppened" when we get together at family parties now, the "older" nieces and nephews are all talking finance, investments, politics, and they're all making more money than we are !!! it's great, they're great. then we have a 2nd set of nieces and nephews for those of us who had our kids when we were old. our kids run around like maniacs and we sit around saying, "i'm too old for this s h ! t" and yes when i get out of the shower i look in that steamy mirror and say "mom, is that you?"
  24. "personally" paid ? where'd he get the money ? :)-->
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