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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. sowwy hc i didn't keep readingi'll tell you what was healthy for me.... the old snake died.... and it set me free.... somehow i realized i didn't have to buy the moggy bull**** from the younger ones ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha needed a father, not a brother..... i have 5 of those ; ) as to his spirituality.... how do you measure heartache and spirituality, todd ? isn't spirituality a good thing ? if so, he didn't get a good grade in my book of course i'm not god, so he can take it up with whomever sigh
  2. i didn't know brooke said that !!!!! i've been watching cruise's interviews on and off (he comes on, i turn him off) he has a lot of bucks to spread the word oh well.... what an ******* that song "endless love" still makes me cry
  3. i hope we raise our kids better than we've been raised.... or i should say i hope i raise my kid better than i've been raised
  4. dan, paul knopf rings a bat in my bellfree
  5. first (god) who counts the number of hairs on your bald heads and my old legs second (others) thank you all for the birhtday wishes. you're my tupose'esss'sssss third (myself) i am willing to be third i love you big big smackaroos teddy don't eat the worm
  6. what a picture and lovely story my two dogs are unbelievable. if i start telling you about them now, i'll be late for work
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_Yankees
  8. thank you how beautiful. i hope i can be like him **** ps. you don't look too gray now in your little pic
  9. some may think this is the way to love god 'tis a shame
  10. how very sad. you know, people do that too when you tell them about sexual abuse in The Way.
  11. happy birthday, happy wedding, happy life mwah
  12. 'tis a pleasure to share our mutual birthday once again, herbie love, ex
  13. happiest of birthdays ms. pickles (i'm so sorry, shar)
  14. i came on for my birthday and i thank you for making me feel so happy
  15. i am soooooooo happy for you slipper !!!!!!!
  16. thanks did you ever see "goodbye mr. chips" with peter o'toole and petula clark anyway this has always been my mom's top song for her pre-planned funeral ;)--> ;)--> :)-->
  17. In the morning of my life I shall look to the sunrise. At a moment in my life when the world is new. And the blessing I shall ask is that God will grant me, To be brave and strong and true, And to fill the world with love my whole life through. And to fill the world with love my whole life through In the noontime of my life I shall look to the sunshine, At a moment in my life when the sky is blue. And the blessing I shall ask shall remain unchanging. To be brave and strong and true, And to fill the world with love my whole life through In the evening of my life I shall look to the sunset, At a moment in my life when the night is due. And the question I shall ask only I can answer. Was I brave and strong and true? Did I fill the world with love my whole life through?
  18. with love and respect, how do you know he ever had a peak experience to begin with ? ((((((((todd)))))))
  19. i enjoyed that adjective "woo-woo"
  20. oh yeah, i certainly was not a throw-away kid (although abused) and i was searching.... very much so.... for love, for a dad.... etc. but i didn't come from the gutter and even if i had so what ?
  21. my thoughts- when a man in his 50's counsels a girl from around age 18 to 23 and listens to her pain / heartache about being abused and then finally serves her drinks on a long bus ride to accomplish his goal it's not just getting caught up with trappings of power / privilege be honest if you think otherwise and explain it to me happy father-in-the-word day ;)-->
  22. okay here's part of the quote: ps. any typos are mine, not jim's
  23. onion eater, the check is is the mail, i swear !!!!!! and water buffalo, if OE doesn't have any left (after he sends me mine ;)-->), i have a used copy i will give you, just PT with your address ps. doop is pronounced dopp amd evem spelled that way now by some of his family
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