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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. i think bluziegirl posted the abovegod damn right you are !!!!!!
  2. coolchef not sure what you're referring to ladies and doggies ? what movies ?
  3. i read both and since they both remind me of wierwille YUCK
  4. some more things you dont want to know about me: i post things in my head and then i can't remember if i really posted them or not and then i have trouble finding the threads i did or did not post on
  5. excathedra

    Kosher Salt

    i bought kosher salt saturday yummy
  6. hey bluzie when i was a wayfer, my family was very loving and tolerant. i'll always be thankful for that -- and for them. even when i was preaching up a storm -- and like i told here before, i bought them all "jesus christ is not god" books one christmas (big irish roman catholic family) -- they still loved me. i'm lucky.
  7. he and heidi are still really really close
  8. i knew this did sound familar http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/7...32/m/6891063811 :)-->
  9. well i can't help it.... from my screen i saw "question for anyone with a con...." i thought it was asking a question for anyone with a conscience snort really i did think that
  10. the judge doesn't understand waking up from cults, do you think i'm right ?
  11. i don't mind you posting here, catcup, and i mean that and i'm not in a club and i'm definitely not on a witch hunt okay back to unconventional marriage
  12. i don't see an interrogation here this is a public forum and we are free to express ourselves and our opinions here is my expression of my personal opinion: having been sexually assaulted by wierwille, i would have a very hard time dealing with my spouse if he was a leader in a twit offshoot also regarding shroyers offshoot, when you see how their outfit is set up and their teachings and calendars, i would swear i was back at the way international so i understand how song saw the irony in catcup posting about waybrain. i think that's the point he was trying to make. gotta go get coffee oops is that a derail ?
  13. and i'll bet you don't have small feet, d that was really funny groovy gal !!!!
  14. i'm on it aussieshipper
  15. i'm just always dreamin my dear snow cone friend happy 4th of july
  16. A question for teachers... Just write: The Teacher Box 328 New Knoxville OH 45871 couldn't resist Mrs. !
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