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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. dear penguin, i just noticed this thread after i posted a link to a fellow's master's thesis. he mentions trinity and speaking in tongues
  2. didn't know if y'all had read this http://www.atlantaapologist.org/wayintl.pdf
  3. The Right Reverend Bob Mathieson (WC 9) The Right Reverend Kathy Lauchnor (WC 7) they are married remember now ?
  4. cm, don't you think the insurance co. would cover it if they realized it was a matter of personal responsibility / accountability ?
  5. excellent point mjthe rest of your post too
  6. ps. i don't "blame" pass the buck to wierwille or anything that happened to me except to tell it like it was and i'll be damned if i need momentus to prove that haaaaaaaaa give me a break i get what happens in how one is raised and led down the stupid path
  7. oh i thought the "hold harmless documents" started to protect momentus trainers after people were being carted off to the looney bin
  8. why is that so damn big ? it's from this site http://www.outreachofgodsword.com/index.html
  9. my heart beyond words for darling brett my nephew also grad of seton hall prep
  10. i must needs to leave this place for i have been called away to a new heaven and earth but before i depart bill fury bill hayes maize bill hermsmeier bill mitchell bill nay bill poole bill schlegel name yourself bill NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO and i sit upon each of you, i appear as fresh holy breath of a clove tongue the mothership excathedra2000@yahoo.com
  11. there were a few people who stayed around because we were genuinely nice people. i imagine they would have stayed around if we were pushing potholder making.... when we moved, they went away.... yeah we thought they didn't "stand" puke
  12. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  13. laughing my a s s o f f love youse guyssay a little prayer for me tomorrow funeral mass for my father and gathering afterward
  14. guess what my loves the martha stewart producers called our dear martha (sheehan) stewart. she is going on the show on sept. 20th. that's when they are taping it. but i don't know if that's when they are airing it i hope she shares about putting her cig out in the dish
  15. thank you for thinking of my dear boy. he hasn't been home for the last couple of days. still isn't. i want to protect him from what i feel whatever that is.
  16. where do you put heartache ?
  17. hi. my father is dead. 1:20 p.m. today.
  18. oh **** was that me ? i'm sorry and dear lingo, we have had disagreements, but i really do understand and appreciate where you're coming from and thanks dear radar
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