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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. bramble, thank you for your posts on here
  2. bloomington and he's in the book. you just have to spell his name ludewig
  3. awwwwww you and my boy same day again !!!! happy birthday dearest garth
  4. i have one boy and i don't think i'm going to make it ;)-->
  5. ditto what's with these god.damn hurricanes
  6. excatholic exwayfer expired :D-->
  7. and many poor givers had an ever harder time trying to share the bible.... sending all our $$ to headquarters and running classes, fellowships, friendships, etc., and not being able to pay our own electric bill.... never touching the sacred cornocopia sp ? :)-->** the greatest gifts i've received in my life have been for free.... too great to put a price on.... i love socks
  8. mickey wearing false eyelashes ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha that was funny simon - the elderly and the blind !!!!
  9. me too i used to like getting yelled at ;)-->
  10. do they yell at you during this class ?
  11. PS. igotmeaslave, get off this cult site and get to work
  12. hi ((((((( everyone )))))) igotsun, i didn't know hope was in the mini corps snort snort what is your secret, sunblock or surgery ? (ha ha tom strange)
  13. http://www.americanwarmblood.org/approval/...ions/lil_ab.htm .
  14. can you find dick http://www.reliantpackaging.com/contactus.htm
  15. i think rhoda (unusual name, to me) did attend i CANNOT get past the tragedy that rosaLIE and her sidekick donna and the rest of those people get to live there but i am mad at veepee about that these scumbuckets have no right to live there..... do they really think they have a ministry....
  16. oh when i called that number ext. 122 i just got her voicemail. i'll have to try again
  17. i need to be delivered from my straight life
  18. evan, it was probably a christian experience for you because you are such a good person
  19. barb is a government affairs communications specialist http://www.warealtor.com/about_us/officers_staff/index.asp
  20. thank you, mark nice to see you too oh i can't read it, it's way too long mwah
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