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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. start one on when he cast out devils i think the difficult one was named NO "name yourself" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" or something like that
  2. i have a fear of -- or just don't want to -- join facebook i would NEVER want to un-friend a friend for political views mwah
  3. johnyouare, i am sooooooooooo happy you went and that it was good i went to my 20th it was really good last weekend my oldest sister went to her 40th and my youngest brother went to his 30th
  4. hey socks this is simple enough for me to get
  5. lol outie my friend my 9th corp bro spent his days with a little wire brush cleaning bricks on (i think it was) andersen library every day he went back to scrub some more bricks, he had absolutely no idea where he left off at least there were no wasps :)
  6. like i said on another thread just a minute ago, it is so good to see you, seth i'm happy you are doing well love,e
  7. it's really nice to see you seth love,e
  8. i find it really odd that a thread would be started about this sorry skyrider
  9. excathedra

    TAKIT Band

    could you please please please give alfakat my love?
  10. excathedra

    Meth Labs

    i've avoided this thread because meth / drugs / etc. have brought me to my knees in pure agony sorry i can't go with the joke it's personal
  11. outie, every time i see you post, it makes me happy because i like you so much --- i know too well that is true for so many more than marsha
  12. kit, how do you follow the catholic faith (if you don't, i'm sorry) knowing about all the child molesters and the higher ups who cover it up? also, i still don't agree about homosexuality, but i guess i'll stand in judgment for that love,e
  13. excathedra

    TAKIT Band

    i don't know how to put a value on it. a saved soul, a healed heart, a crushed person put back together again speaking from experience love you socks
  14. i wonder what he would say about all the child molesters in the roman catholic church and how their bosses bishops whatever have covered for them and moved them around time and time again to molest more little children i wonder what he would say about the people he died for loathing homosexuals i guess we'll find out one day peace as ralph would say
  15. excathedra

    TAKIT Band

  16. excathedra

    TAKIT Band

    you're a bad boy socks
  17. i'm disappointed in donna as far her mate, i never liked her
  18. thank god, god's kindness is not new i don't want to look at that site. i get skeeved (sp?)
  19. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha johnyouare and the rest of you i think i liked millet i guess familia could be okay if it wasn't drenched if fig pep i believe i recall those brawn bars ;) were they the color of baby poo but they were thick rectangle shape ? very heavy. i think i traded them most the time
  20. BOB, go back a page and see my poem we were posting about the same time love,e
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