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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. well since dear shar supported me, i went back to read what you saidthe slightest sign of DISCOMFORT ? how insulting. i don't need anyone to rush to my side. i've handled all my life since i was about 4 years old. so what if i started reaching out in the last few years. i guess wierwille never told YOU he would heal you with god's love and then screwed you. don't tell me about "the slightest sign of discomfort" and another thing, i don't care what role you play here merry christmas damn it
  2. that made me cry, whitedove thanks
  3. god johnnyam and allan, for me it really isn't about winning support or anything nor am i in a clique - quite the opposite i think i talk about my own experience -- and yes it was really horrible when people trashed me for my experience -- and no it doesn't happen like it used to but i have always and still am speaking for myself merry christmas to you yeah i guess you have a point there, allan
  4. my funny funny friends merry christmas. i hope you're happy and healthy and rich
  5. happy holidays sudo and everyone here !!!!!!!!!
  6. very worth writing and very worth reading thank you lovingkindness can still be found is this f ucking world in the air you breath in the life you live in the boundless heart hard to believe in such beauty, but i do
  7. you're so great and funny i love you Will they have Johnny Damon in heaven Dear Lord, we'd all like to know Will they have Johnny Damon in heaven, Sweet Jesus If they don't, who the hell wants to go.....
  8. wow, dear, after 28 posts my time must be coming soon
  9. god as soon as i post she gets depressed i knew lots of talented people in divine design i do know of some who went to to continue in the arts, but i didn't feel like i should speak for them mwah
  10. yeah i was there too-- i think there's another thread somewhere or maybe more than one about suicide in the way it's very sad. my own dear friend left a note and said he knew he could never be the man he knew he should be....
  11. why would i ever go back when i'm trying to heal i s'pose if god told me to go back.... i'd tell him to go jump in the lake :)
  12. has this been posted ? (((((rocky))))) sent me this http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=ER13610552
  13. i love your painting. i don't belong on this thread :) ps. i saw the edge of the pool lol what a lovely daughter oh and what about that beautiful avatar ?
  14. wow dear hcw i'm stunned (i shouldn't be, but it's been so long) how very very very awful
  15. thanks mstar. i inadvertently hadn't read anything above my post to you i know i wish things were different (is it about money more than anything these days ?) my son aches when anyone from his team (thinking hockey right now) goes to play on another team also, when a player or coach retires, it really gets to him do you think there will be good ol' sports in heaven ?
  16. i heard from martindale's own mouth that veepee told him he needed to loosen up in that area if he was gonna' be a great for god. something like that... a real lover of god's people maybe.... trying to remember
  17. awwwww ask the girls to snoop and find out what wifey wants my favorite gift is an ornament or momento that tells me how much i am loved / appreciated a really soft throw blanket gift certificate for barnes & nobles, she's a big reader ummmm ummmm ummmm christmas cd by her favorite artist(s) i'm thinking i'm thinking (ouch)
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