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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. have i responded on this thread ? how can you return to your true self when you hadn't developed that yet ? get what i'm saying ? you have to discover your true self..... it can be hard
  2. oh i'm just a sh it because pawtucket didn't honor the votes on how long you could edit your posts :);):);) --- i have so much to say but don't feel like it when you look up to people, it can be very very damaging, if they are not trustworthy
  3. i was not referring to jesus christ i was referring to a savior from my childhood who then hurt me and then once again veepee trying to clarify..... when you need to be rescued and someone does it..... then introduces you to..... well you understand.... it's a rescue in kindness (so it seems) but it's not kind at all, is it ? i don't know if i like this place as much as you do :) but i'm an addict obviously
  4. damn it my head won't stop "all we hear is radio ga ga"
  5. i think what is tough is how difficult it is to hate a savior i might wrap this up. i really don't like exposing this much to this cult ;)
  6. my dad was VIOLENT, my uncle was kind veepee tried the same sheet
  7. i'll tell you what's not painful, my own experiences or delusions :) when i talk to god, i feel good sometimes he's my only hope
  8. who was that fellow pretending to be kenny rogers
  9. reading this article, i think i understand more what you are pointing out, dear cw
  10. http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/04/04/homeland.arrest/
  11. i have no pity whatsoever there was a government person in our area (i went to high school with him, my sister dated him) and he was caught in an internet sting operation. he went to meet a lady and her 10 year old daughter for something called "fam fun" or something like that, meaning family sex. when he got there with all his fun paraphernalia, he was met by the cops i don't know even know what to say, words fail me, that he would do this, and think that a mom would come and bring her little girl anyway, i don't even know if he's doing "time." last i heard, in the paper, he got some kind of counseling and his young adult children are supporting him. his wife might even be. i know his mom put up his bail money. oh god help me - well him really, not me ** anyway, there might be something deeply wrong with me that i loved and love my uncle. i just don't know what to say for some reason, i can tell you how bad and wrong wierwille was why in god's name do i think it would have been very sad for my uncle to have been put to death or locked up? i think i really loved him anyway, this is just me thinking out loud. please allow me. but i am learning from this thread an others control over children...... what a sick sad thing..... especially when done with kindness i can't think of much worse thank you all for your thoughts i agree about crimes being sickness in reference to serial killers. why don't we try to fix them? because they are not fixable. so have i answered my own difficult question? crapola for me it's a tough discussion i think i would die before taking advantage of an innocent child. so maybe...... i did talk to him at his coffin and just begged him to tell me why he would destroy me he didn't answer and as far as beautiful lovemaking which abi kind of mentioned. that sounds great and right
  12. never in a zillion years would i think satori is showing empathy for pedophiles i don't know enough to say what's what, but i wanted to mention that my uncle was a wonderful smart caring funny human being. i mean it. i have no idea why he would molest a child, his own adoring niece, no less. i don't know if he knew why. he's dead so it's too late to ask him. but he was a good soul in so many ways. i don't have a problem with wanting to help someone with perverted urges.... anything that would prevent harm to little boys and girls.... this stuff can ruin entire lives and create more perverts so much of his is coming out these days. do you think it's the internet that's exposing more of this stuff? i was listening to a shrink on the radio about this particular case. for what it's worth, he said this guy's compulsions were greater than his rational thinking. you know, he was risking it all pretty much, and still couldn't stop himself peace out (to quote a nice 6th grader i know)
  13. i was first on line to sign him up this year he's on a great team, ready to pitch, etc. etc. he just broke his hand so whoever was mean to me on this thread about signing him up late, maybe i deserve this huh ? ha
  14. can't remember what i brought to top sowwy where is the thread "ex minister gets 6 years" ?
  15. oh no don't get sober !!!! you make so much sense love,ex
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