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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. i hate computers well i have a love hate relationship with them i did the adware away in safe mode and then the virus thing. it gets rid of everything but ONE win32/silly and i believe it's the surf sidekick or at least they're traveling together. i saw that one in my starup thingy i can't do that hijack stuff i'm too old and tired that computer will be off for 2 days starting later tonight because we're having some work done in the house i know those virus demons will still be living in there even when it's turned off just waiting for me to turn it back on. rod serling could have done so much with technology
  2. thank god i got in again by pressing F8 when rebooting will let you know my progress
  3. i'm in tears i bought the adware away it was running along fine and i kept pushing next (with the recommended stuff) then i got a fatal error c000021a and the computer shut itself down i also turned almost everything off for startup stuff in msconfig and now when i reboot, the little boxes are gone where i can log on i have no way in to the computer i made it worse now i guess
  4. it would probably take two seconds or less to find out who i am and i would probably tell you sooner than that i've "met" some interesting folks from here and i'm sure they feel the same about me i don't know really . most wayfers seem okay to me. but i don't meet anyone i don't know in real time. well that's not entirely true ummmm what was the question ? i'm 50 you know
  5. thank you my dearest nika and linzee and all my friends out in tv land ;) where's rev. tuttles damnit and the slipper and behive and all our other friends out in tv land you know, that pic of goldie.... she HAS makeup on !!!!!!! it's REALLY nice to know you all
  6. once again, an honor and joy to share it with you :wub:
  7. thank you so very much i'm touched beyond words by your warm wishes can't think of a thing (yet) to say except thank you from my heart
  8. thank you so much you naive little boy and thank you strange one well today's the day. i'm my mother's age. the only thing i don't like about it is getting older. i'm still the same in my head since i was able to talk to myself :) ah well most my friends are in the same boat
  9. yeah he chooses the biggest foot kisser and then he whines and cries that the egomaniac doesn't have enough respect for him. so then he chooses that nutcase from upstate new york who was over ruining people in europe. he just couldn't get it right the basturd. maybe he should have stuck with doop, heefner, others walter seemed very nice
  10. at times, for me, it was like being in a family where the father or uncle molests you and family members hush it up or ignore it or blame you for it
  11. thank you SO MUCH rick and john and everyone i'll let you know how things go when i can do it i'm so so so so thankful you are here - all of you sweetgeeks - i mean it me and john go back before the prince of the power of the air created the internet and he fixed me up with our two computers sorry i haven't thanked you ALL enough on this thread. please know how much your help means to me
  12. bipolar disorder can result from severe emotional trauma at some time in life http://bipolar.about.com/od/causes/
  13. how devastating i'm really so sorry where is the abusive husband these days ? how dare they gossip about her son who was called to go check on her i'm really really sorry we had a murder suicide near here a couple days ago which sent the towns reeling because it is so unusual
  14. okay i'll be the 71st responder and i haven't read the thread what makes someone sexy to me ? a sense of humor and kindness
  15. same, tomlitwin i talked to jimmy doop last night and told him about this thread. he's having trouble logging into greasespot. i sent him a link and i hope it works. i really like him. his stories about the early days (similar to what tom said about the money and power changing hands) makes me think the god stuff was really happening. i feel like veepee stole it.....
  16. have you seen goldie without makeup ? 50 is the new 40 ? and i am the new queen of england mwah
  17. speechless overwhelmed heartfelt condolences and i-don't-know-what-word-to-use (admiration? not enough) for you and your brother
  18. congrats my dear carolina friends !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  19. hafta catch up with this thread still but i have to say litwin i'm so glad it's summer !!!!!!!!! love you
  20. dear strange one, you are too kind and simonzee....you thank you for sharing a baby at 90 ? how nice how sweet how biblical..... makes me want to get blessed with a pregnancy at 50 i have an 11 going on 12 year old. want me to tell you about it ! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha excuse me where the hell are my meds..... i'll give you Methuselah excuse me what year were you born ? must edit to say what i said and simonzeefruckyou.....
  21. yeah but will the kid attached to it fit in the box ? i love you damie
  22. beauuuuutiful simply beauuuuuuuutiful
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