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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. counselee and med taker present but i still wonder about such things love ya hills always
  2. yeah and then they give you a link to someone's prophecies on the internet
  3. pps. dancing, as a rule, should that automatically restart be checked on or off in my computer system recovery thing? GOOD NEWS! I heard back from Adware Away tech support and they told me things to check off from the log report I sent them (which I guess is like Hijack this). I did it and so far so good. I sent them another log to look at because one of the things they told me to check off was NOT on the list that came up. I have a strong feeling my problems are coming to an end. i hope i hope i hope i hope Again, deep scan appreciation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. :) thanks tommy ps. goey, it sounds like i have to understand more than i do using hijack this ?
  5. a really big treat for me todd and tom getting together
  6. the way is a fellowship of the followers of the lord jesus christ for the manifestation of the more abundant life something something something a follower of the way freely avails himself something something something :)
  7. AND he said he realized the meaning of life when he held his baby for the first time :) thanks linzee for the explanation....
  8. midlife crisis: me and my dear child menopause and puberty
  9. so sorry grand-daughter ((((((((((((( many hugs )))))))))))))
  10. thanks goey. and you're right as of now, i just sent a log to adware away since i'm paying for their tech. support -- i did that too just now, dancing. i thought the virus was making it shut down, so now i can try it again -- you're all so helpful i have felt overwhelmed and lost, plus when other things in life are going on, it's really hard to devote time to this thanks again and if i've ignored anyone or not followed what you told me, it's not personal at all. it's because my head is spinning love, regan :)
  11. john, i am trying to do what you said to get rid of sidekick is hijack this something i have to download ? but maybe i should just write to adware away or the other place and let them fix it for me since their software won't get rid of it
  12. thank you thank you thank you well one frustrating thing is when i run adware away, it gets all ready to delete or repair, and then the computer shuts down all by itself. happens every single time i've been trying in safe mode. so far no good i did delete surf sidekick and keyboard888 or 666 or something and quick links from remove programs will have to try again i think there's a bundled devil thank you all again - so much !!! oh and i believe when i tried to download one of those cleaners, it told me the file was already in use ?????
  13. drop the "important person" (find out) a note and explain why you couldn't be there. ask for reconsideration mwah
  14. haven't read the thread, but i'm figuring i'm an offender but i don't think i'll do jail time mwah mwah mwah
  15. did i ever even thank you each dear precious person for your birthday wishes ? my life has been insane lately..... better my life than me i guess..... ha i always thought simonzee should write a column. when andy retires..... anyway i think you are such wonderful people. i thank you from the bottom of my 50 yr old hat i mean heart
  16. i just ran msconfig and startup and turned off the sidekick thing it seems to be working although i would rather delete it completely there are so many things running around in my mind when i was young i was into this kind of stuff damie
  17. thank you i'm gonna have to do something like that i'm too frustrated but i'm a little annoyed that 2 programs adware away 30 bucks and register mechanic 30 bucks haven't helped me
  18. i'm so confused. sorry. i saw that the registry thingy found all this stuff on my computer that it would delete so i bought it. i bought adware away and registry mechanic 30 bucks a pop and i can't get rid of it i'm sure i rushed through your help because i wanted to help my kid it's still frikkin there i'll have to go back at it now that i'm on the computer again i'm not sure what i read john about turning restore on or off ???? but maybe i changed it by accident went i went back to a previous boot when i could not reboot talk to you later and thank you so much i can't believe they sell you this software that doesn't fix stuff ps. one thing that i tried to download - clean something or other - told me i couldn't download it because it was in use i think. holy crap i really wish you could log on to my computer in safe mode - oh yeah registry mechanic ($30 version) said it found nothing just now and at the same time a popup came up
  19. now that would be sumpin thank you all for your birthday wishes. you're so glad that i was born cuz if i was not here, you could not see my smiling face or hear my voice of cheer..... will you be singing to me next year ? you are such wonderful people
  20. ok thank you thank you thank you thank you as soon as i'm up to it, i'll get back to it
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