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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. teddy, i still have the special red thread connection, you must come stay with me !!!!! you can actually hear the fountain of lustful waters in the background :) --- again, from georgio's description of life, i wanted to tell him and hopper and anyone else how horribly awful it must have been growing up as a wayfer head. obviously what doesn't kill you makes you nuts, i mean stronger ;)
  2. you are a peach, nikie i also hope the pain lessens for those who feel it so fresh and new it does get better with time even though sometimes it hits you like a ton of bricks when you're not looking i'm talking about the way as well as life mwah
  3. georgio, hearing what it was like to grow up as a wayfer breaks my heart
  4. you all are such a riot fantastic stories, free !!!!!! i would love to hear your fish story and any others dilly whacker ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  5. excathedra


    what a beautiful song toppie,thank you so much ps. you have to sing my poem to the tune of "we're so glad that you were born cuz if you were not here" remember from emporia
  6. we suck ;) oh you asked for a web page not a slogan sowwy
  7. excathedra


    we’re so glad that you copped out because it makes you here we could not see your greasy face or hear your voice of sneer so happy happy birthday from another ex-twi and if the lord should tarry we’ll be here way past midnight :wub:
  8. excathedra


    we’re so glad that you copped out because it makes you here we could not see your greasy face or hear your voice of sneer so happy happy birthday from another ex-twi and if the lord should tarry we’ll be here way past midnight
  9. good god, i remember telling my potential new employer in the interview i would have to take 2 weeks off without pay in august what a privilege, take your "vacation" without pay, spend 2 weeks working your azz off, and getting yelled at, that is my definition of heaven yeah we drank like fools because we were fools ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha plus it's nice to do that when you're with friends and you're in denial about your whole stupid life in a cult ;) getout, i can't remember the teen boys, i must have been too drunk
  10. welcome nowgrown stay away from all those stupid offshoots let your kids grow up in neighborhood schools (unless you live in a some kind of terrible place) this is just my opinion raise them from your heart with a lot of love and wisdom. you'll be fine. you already are
  11. best of times, going against the "system" with friends in emporia in that program ;)
  12. i agree dear groucho, but sometimes i wonder why i'm still here after all these years.....
  13. i hate when higher ups get the credit and don't give any recognition where it's due and if they are assyholes on top of that, ohmygod
  14. i have no words dear lovely grand-daughter july 24.... 20 years.... dear darling nathan.... can't wait until you see him in heaven and jamie too i'm so very sorry for your precious heart that was held in his hands. i understand too many hugs to type and too little words to express my feelings
  15. of course he loved and accepted you, even before you were born, from what i understand sleeping around, drugs, you got to that place through no fault of your own and even if it was all your fault (which it wasn't ) this savior is complete and beyond all that hugs and love
  16. no it's not possiblei'm going to read your other threads now but in the meantime ((((((((((((((((((((((( grand-daugher )))))))))))))))))))))) humongous hugs. you are grand, indeed love, ex
  17. open heart surgery !!!!!!!! how ARE you doing ???????? so sorry to hear about your medical hurts and financial struggles what happened at the roller rink, aren't they liable ? -- without having been there with you, i can't say for sure how i feel about the fellow but sounds possible it was shyness on both your parts, so i hope you run into each other again "if" fate would have it :)
  18. excathedra


    i really liked your post, waysider. pfal book MIA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  19. if i told you my dreams, you would probably have me committed....
  20. a pack now costs more than a carton ? man, i know who the ruler of this world is ! ahhhh the more abundant life travelin' light just like veepee and craig simon, what a sweet pathetic story. that means you HAD to move in with someone who had furniture and utilities. going on staff from graduation was a lot damn easier
  21. unless he was using outside funds every month WITHOUT PERMISSION
  22. that's the best advice i've heard all day, igotout
  23. ha ! especially that scumbucket who got gout ;)
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