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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. one of them is brit unlike those two
  2. and the really weird thing, i don't know if i ever told this on greasespot before, my uncle said the exact same thing when i was a child. how would wierwille know ?
  3. if only happy ho ho was my problem..... no offense at all...... love,ex
  4. well yeah i want to contribute but it hurts me and makes me so sick how i loathed myself when "spoken to" aka reproved by leaders via wayspeak..... still wake up at night sometimes..... and NOT just reproof my sister (not way) told me i told her about some frikkin privilege of being taught crap by an older man. i told her she way lying.....
  5. god works in mysterious ways ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i always get my best revelation when i'm snockered ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  6. rhino you're such a nice country bumpkin chicken house and all what are you all talking about ? when i go over my name nothing happens ps. simon, your daughter ADORES you we had fun talking about the way and her memories as a 5 year old ha ha ha ha ha and talking about greasespot !!!!! i told her and my nephew it was cult in its own right !!!!!! hey we have 5900 posts i have no work today
  7. as i was saying, simon's daughter is wonderful and charming and beautiful and intelligent and sweet we had a great time together at the show. afterwards we went to rosie o'gradys (irish pub of course) -- no cookies and lemonade mr. strange :) -- to meet up with my nephew who is close in age so he could help her with city stuff. i'm more of a country bumpkin and old you did really good, simon love you and y'all ps. i wish my son was finished with damn school
  8. now what fckn word would that be :) simon my zeefriend, your daughter is absolutely too lovely for words
  9. excathedra


    mischief night is big here, lotsa toilet paper !!!!
  10. poor (((((((((((( simon ))))))))))) you are so frikkin funny. i told you lovely daughter that i would be the one on the corner yelling in tongues but then she said i wouldn't stand out !!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  11. excathedra


    i am REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY happy for your kids that they don't have to smell your little feeties anymore (all those years in cowboy boots ugh !!!! ;)) no that is unbelievably like a miracle so happy for you
  12. his vic-is-ness ha ha ha ha ha ha wasn't very nice to paul and evan with his strangled aramaic
  13. i wondered it that was rhino's house too, but he said "no one here, but us chickens"
  14. tomorrow thank you all so much. i think from all you good people have given me, he can complete his homework gratefully, ex
  15. i quite enjoyed that microphone time, thank you guys now removing cobwebs from my brain.... wierwille came out of his coffee cup for a minute.... and supported this ???? but didn't he later "doctrine reproof and correct" the boy in tights ? or maybe that was the bus driver's passing paper so many nuts so little time
  16. i am VERY impressed ? what is physics ? is that like cheesecake ? i really am impressed and happy, honest
  17. out and aboutie, it's always nice to whine with you mwah
  18. say what ? go back to your recipes. i'm in 7th grade
  19. sorry. the teacher said to research on the internet. this is the internet.... if you're in a "kindly mood" this evening..... compare life today to life in 1492: transportation (got that one) food (got that one) clothing (got that one) health (got that one) education -- not quite sure -- no formal schools vs. colleges today ? communication -- columbus and native americans could not understand each other ? is that what you think it should be ? and now english is a common language. or maybe we should get into the internet and all ? -------------------- arts -- recreation -- having a problem with these last 2 --------------------- my son's been on the computer researching a long time and he's about to give up and so am i
  20. plus god told me to shut up
  21. it's a privilege for me to have been on this thread i'm not going anywhere. i just wanted to ditto simon
  22. please remove that photo immediately :) i think it's funny your son locked the doors
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