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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. gives new meaning to the term PUBLIC EX
  2. ewwwwwwwww i forgot about that stuff in that class. how weird. i don't rhino, i wouldn't be surprised, i swear
  3. okay the above post is BORING and does not do justice to jim's thread
  4. thanks jim, that was great this past saturday, i had a strange experience. i was grocery shopping and a neighbor of mine pulled her cart up next to mine and proceeded to talk to me and gossip for a really long time. it was hysterical. i only have a "hi, how are you" relationship with her. she said our street was like peyton place and i'm thinking, are you sure we live on the same street ? ha ha ha ha ha it was weird and funny. i finally had to go because i was worried my food would go bad. oh and she got most her information from her husband who is retired. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha maybe this is more like a wayfer experience, the gossip and all !!! ha
  5. maybe you're thinking about don wierwille, conner. howard didn't die as far as i know. hey hills, it's good to see YOU. ahhhhh yes hockey season....
  6. hi connerron well when he was a "minister" over there, he called a married couple in for counseling. he had a few other "reverends" there as witnesses. he interrogated them about their marital relations. he also told the gal to QUOTE stick her finger up her husband's butt and suck his ..... END QUOTE. so edifying it just blesses me beyond words. these were meek and mild beautiful people. he also (although i think this was on the side) told the husband to go to prostitutes if that's the only way he could keep the marriage together, lest the ministry be blamed (divorce) i know the above is disgusting but that is geer. i'm sorry. and i know this really happened. it seems like the ministry could be blamed for the head minister masturbating in public. you think ?
  7. when one of my girlfriends "cracked up" she was invited to headquarters.... she seemed to do okay after that.... but then she cracked up again later and my other girlfriend also got called to headquarters to help "heal" her mental state the first girl was a victim of sexual abuse with veepee. the second one loy boy....
  8. meet the new boss same as the old boss
  9. i got my son baptized in the catholic church for the sake of the grandparents. that's the last time he attended
  10. thank you all for replying ((((((((( kit )))))))))) i remember i did my "research" (snort) paper on the goodness / gentleness of god because that was my favorite subject and my greatest need in the way ministry, in many instances, it seemed to me that gentleness led you to repent, but then after you belonged to them WATCH OUT. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i started to think about kindness because jimmy doop died and i won't be able to call him anymore when i need his kindness life sucks well death sucks
  11. danny, you're a frikkin riot
  12. let us pray excie is buying a lottery ticket and buying linzee an adorable little motorcoach
  13. has anyone ever thought about the "sin" of neglect of a spouse ? i guess that belongs in the doctrinal dungeon or in hell
  14. but i thought all that stuff was just a big joke
  15. yeah dottie i agree mwah
  16. thanks for replying i have things i'm thinking about (mostly from the leadership training program) but i don't think i'm up to posting about it how strange that i'm here still going over all this stuff. was the way my formative years ? like wheaties ?
  17. stick with the bus driving, gutmore
  18. good lord as long as he isn't the subject of the porn sites....
  19. excuse me, may i have permission to miss them ?
  20. how much plain and simple kindness did you experience while you were in the way ? if you don't mind my asking
  21. as i have been -- therefore i spit
  22. i'll tell you what a horrible christian and human being i am i WANT those stories about him to be true - the public lewdness - because i saw the private lewdness and i saw the appalling cruel detestable behavior of that person toward my friends, toward his wife, toward me, and veeppe just cried and cried about what a great man he was ppppphhhhhhhhttttttttt ugh patooie
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