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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. will they get money from this ?????
  2. (((( kevlar )))) i couldn't agree more :)
  3. well this has been a good thread because "i learned a lot" (snort) but seriously i mean it, i can see different ways of looking at this whole subject thanks all :)
  4. oh simon you should be in the hall of fame for clever and funny as hell
  5. i never liked the term "wow vet" nor wierwille's schpeel about sacrificing / staying out on the field instead of being with family, also terms like enemy lines, crack troops, etc. etc., all those comparisons to our war vets i just didn't like it, that's me
  6. thanks, long gone my dear and thank "yous" for your replies !!!!! i live about 20 minutes or so from rutgers depending on time of day a few of my sibs graduated from rutgers. my nephew is there now. my sis and her husband graduated from princeton. we're just really happy about their victory army-navy still gives me the chills
  7. i saw goodness in him just like in veepee unfortunately i saw more lack of goodness in both
  8. LG, was that game against princeton ?
  9. look at those happy fans. my nephew is in there somewhere :) in the fan crowd, not the team
  10. i think i called him a big jerk MOG or something
  11. i'm pretty sure it was he who was quite rude to me in chat
  12. my country 'tis of thee sweet land of liberty of thee i sing land where my fathers died land of the pilgrims' pride from every mountainside let freedom ring
  13. happy birthday oh zealous one not lookin' to bad for YOUR AGE
  14. have ya ever noticed how old people tell the same jokes over and over ? :wub:
  15. excathedra

    Texas BBQ

    ohmyfruckinglord a prophet in our midst
  16. i don't know why i know about it. is it something americans commonly know or perhaps because i was married to a dear brit ?
  17. dear sweetie maybe you're just a bit frenchfried ..... like so many of us......
  18. i love you dottie mae and bow and all you other wonderful sweet people who have suffered more than you ever ever should have
  19. anyone in such despair may not be acting selfishly in my humble opinion i hope darling shannon realizes that it may have been her dad's only option for peace - even if just in his own mind - but that's the only place we live
  20. i celebrated simonzelotes's birth
  21. twi would never break the law
  22. excathedra

    Texas BBQ

    quite polished as said
  23. they wrote songs for his birthday ?
  24. i've also wondered if you are an angel, dear sweet kit.... now there's a surprise
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