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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. happy happy birthday alfie
  2. same ones as last year and the year before and the year before and the year before and the year before
  3. by the way (no pun intended), is any "christian ministry" in crisis if christ is the head ? will the real christ please stand up ?
  4. "I believe that is coming out of her deep woundedness..." is she deeply wounded because of her guilt for wounding so many ? i kinda doubt it. come on, i thought JAL was more logical than that ???? maybe those spiders wounded her.... and took a bite out of him at the hip as well....
  5. stakeholder.... is that like frikkin dog soldier ??? i better stop for the moment..... i'm so tired.... i might leave my trap door open and all those spiders will come crawling in or out
  6. ---- ps. to elizabeth, in scanning your letter to john lynn, i saw your husband had passed away. i wanted to offer you my deepest condolences
  7. john (JAL) i think you're off your rocker i cannot get over the karen anne prophecies.... the "deliverance sessions" or whateverthehelltheyare.... momentus crapola.... the victim nonsense.... on and on and on.... wow..... i thought the way ministry was bad i'll say a little prayer for you
  8. there are so many wonderful things.... paw you're somethin' -- thank you
  9. thank you for the tip on default blue and thanks y'all for everything. happy new year ! in 2007 do we go to heaven ?
  10. sorta did i see somewhere that john shoenheit said john lynn's divorce was okay or something (and john lynn belived this was of god, well plus the spiders) because wife had hardened her heart. is that what happened with shoenheit's first marriage ? oh my goodness.
  11. socks !!!! check your private messages i'm going to abuse you
  12. a "group" private message (like a conference call) got weird for me so i bowed out.....
  13. excathedra

    I'm Dying

    how are you ? have you been following the CES stuff ? mwah hugs mwah
  14. wonderful words, sunesis ps. it is all rhino's fault so that's the end of this thread
  15. oh and john lynn, i am ashamed that you would let that horrible stuff go on concerning your wife you treat the church like a bride too ?
  16. as a board member, i would have fired myself and then karen anne when the name STFI was chosen
  17. how are you ranked oldest to youngest and how many years in between, IF you don't mind my asking....
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