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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. great post full circle except maybe for the booze ;) ps. i just went over 14,500 posts do i get money when i hit 15,000 ?
  2. ok i don't feel so bad for being in chat twice i thought it was the bad excathedra following me around
  3. bye bye ;) now i can't remember who i'm talking to broken or uptown sowwy but did someone personalize me about my job ?
  4. a true friend both of you
  5. listen uptown, thank you i don't have a wrecked life i have a job the dear lord gave me to be able to be the best mom possible (in reference to your comment about god would give me a job to fit my personality) as far as how i live my life, it really isn't any of your business, you know ? i've been "funning" with you, i'm sorry but i don't have to answer to you and what i do in my life is not really your concern, although i think i appreciate the heart behind what you are saying peace ps. don't let things bother you so much, especially when you don't know.....
  6. i'm so sorry about your friend
  7. Happy Happy I hope it's wonderful !!!!!
  8. excathedra


    yeah sorta like if veepee was reincarnated, i'd get the heebie jeebies....
  9. that's why i love you so much (((((((((((( my weak one ))))))))))))
  10. excathedra


    we had a gang when we were growing up called the southwood gang they stole, beat up kids, damaged property, etc. all white
  11. excathedra


    i've always wondered what was going on the other date before this got changed
  12. excathedra


    sorry i haven't been able to keep with this thread.... ANY violent destructive group.... gang.... would upset me.....
  13. cockatiel i've done all the above thank you so much it's snowing now my prayer is she is with someone warm and safe doing all i can and will be doing more i just hope she isn't dead, she is my little baby bird (3 yrs old) and of course my son is beside himself with sorrow. it's really his baby thank you again i told my son i believe in miracles. he said, "mom you have to believe in them in order for them to happen." he's a good boy
  14. happy birthday i enjoy your posts very much
  15. boy i wish i had done that when he was aliveps. ugh
  16. as the STFI turns.... Statement of Values #7. i see minstrel in there
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