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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. real friends love you wayfer head or not
  2. i'm into reality hey JAL your little group is not a crisis for crisis sake
  3. (((((((( rocky )))))))
  4. how DARE they minimalize 9/11 what frikkin basturds
  5. that fountain where he's buried is not spewing sweet water
  6. i didn't think i did anything wrong i was quite proud of myself except for the fruccking wayfer thing
  7. i'm sorry but this is NOT a CRISIS in my mind been thinking about this since i read the title OHMYGOSH get real have you heard of 9/11 do you know anyone who is dying ? jesus christ
  8. i can't read this, it's too long but i went to college on welfare, scholarships, and programs this was in 1974 i also worked 3 jobs while going full time and i got my bachelor's degree in 3 years initially i did this to go home and help my family but instead i went wayfer
  9. ok i got that i'm being ignored thank you
  10. doesn't that mean i am private messaging them ? please tell me something isn't working or i am reallly going to get a new complex
  11. welcome "Waking the Dead" i hope that book is not about veepee ;) ps. what were the 2 questions ?
  12. kev i loved your "sharing" you are what 52 ????? i'm a younger 50 gal i would have picked you up in a heartbeat
  13. excathedra


    some days i'd like to corner him with a stone :) oops he's under the stones
  14. have you tried going in from the forums ? while you are in here ? go to the top almost the very top and there's a blue little box (sorta box, like a rectangle) you can click on. it's to the right of the word "gallery" it says "Live Chat" and to its right is calendar it's right above those little ads and right below the main title greasespot thingy
  15. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haa ha haha hahahah
  16. he may be omnipotent, but he has no hands but yours
  17. i see you down there ((((((kev))))) how was your special day ?
  18. Jim oh and thank you mstar for recognizing my accomplishments
  19. i hope so too i'm trying so hard not to be sick with worry
  20. gee i thought you were talking about her HAIR !!!! now that would be worth something
  21. excathedra


    wouldn't that be STNG ? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oh the days of reproof.....
  22. i would be blessed to see a sea monkey win american idol
  23. please stand and give a word of prophecy my apologies to broken that was supposed to be a different post sowwy broken for getting confused
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