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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. well dam.n that's something i've never heard sounds like we can toss mostly everyone ;) ha ha haha ha haha ha h staring with veepee ha ha ha ha ha ha ha followed my geer and well i could go on and on :) oh and me
  2. i only read some of this but new gal, dawn, i'm with you outandabout i agree. what the heck ? where is this way tree in the bible ? and who is that little squirrel up there trying to convince me ? and jim, i love you, but i'm sorry surely you've taken pfal ;) ;) ;) ps. bumpy, you're funny
  3. from george march 2, 2006 i know he was so thankful she didn't see her darling son pass away ** lisa, you are your dad's angel (i know because he told me) love,ex
  4. excathedra


    only priests get to have orgies oh shut up excathedra and go to bed already
  5. dear outandabout, i like you so much i started reading that book but then i gave it away maybe i should get another one or maybe i'll just take your word for it ;)
  6. from dear george about a month ago.... i'm so glad you were not afraid i just wish you weren't gone
  7. hap, i'm so glad you found george's words about lisa lisa, on the phone, he told me over and over and over about his LOVE and PRIDe about you i still can't belive he's gone my brokenhearted prayers to you precious daughter and your mom and brother and family
  8. i'm sure i misunderstood i thought you were making fun of me my apologies
  9. he was so intelligent and so kind and so wonderful i am grateful he didn't suffer for months but i'm so shocked and sad i know he would kick my a$$ for saying this, but i can't wait to see him in heaven
  10. dearest dearest darling lisa you are the apple of his eye, the joy, the light, the everything, of his life i thank god he passed before things got too bad for him he is one of the GREATS the GREATEST i thank god for your dad, my darling george i don't know what to say please please please write me if you want excathedra2000@yahoo.com and i left my phone number on your machine last night if you ever want to talk, my dear
  11. hey there bumpy. my real name is excathedra. how did you and john lynn manage to meet each other again -- '86 and then '99 ? congrads on your golfing you can PM me about the questions tanks
  12. happy birthday dear love, ex
  13. excathedra

    Guitar Talk

    (((((((((( d ))))))))))))
  14. excathedra


    good one paw ok another one of my quirks i can't stand when dishes are piled on top of each other mixed with pots and all you're supposed to keep them organized
  15. you better da mn catch it.....
  16. my sister's husband has his PhD in the philosophy of mathematics from princeton. i am going to forward this to him since i have no clue.....
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