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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. excathedra


    is green ink legal ?
  2. my sister-in-law is a new vegan our whole (big) family spends much time worried about what to put on the menu for her at our family parties she is beautiful and gracious and i love her to death, vegan or whatever :)
  3. interesting products you used for his desk i'm laughing so hard i'm crying
  4. rhino will you marry me when i get divorced ? i invented whiteout but i believe one of the monkees' mothers ripped me off, like with veepee and mc donalds ps. that is why the internet is of the prince of the power of the air because it is in the senses realm
  5. dear david, i hope your soul searching brings you great peace love,ex
  6. gene, if you do ever read here, please contact me: excathedra2000@yahoo.com love you
  7. excathedra


    i really need to read these great posts again i was thrown for such a loop when lisa told us her darling dad, long gone, died. it was just too fast and such a horrible shock. i still can't quite accept it (may you rest in peace, dearest george) -- i really enjoyed the handwriting stuff. ohmygod especially about changing it so as not be analyzed i myself, when i admire certain individuals' handwriting, i incorporate their style into my own
  8. excathedra


    i prefer black over blue
  9. i think you stole my line, well it's not "my" line but i said it first here, well on this thread i mean..... -- cuz I got friends in low places where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blues away, but I'll be okay now I'm not big on social graces, think i'll slip on down to the oasis oh I got friends in low places
  10. i have a special place in my heart for john hill what's he doing these days ? does he have a splinter ?
  11. i have no friends when it comes to the word
  12. ok thanks rhino, i get it now dropped from advanced class grad etc.
  13. What did the potato say to the cow? i only have eyes for moo ((((((((( paw ))))))))
  14. i think the person with the most posts has the most friends
  15. what a nice layout i likeeee
  16. what a life you live bump !!! could be....
  17. thank you for being a friend traveled down the road and back again your heart is true you're a pal and a confidant .
  18. http://www.equip.org/journal/index.asp?Volume=40
  19. i can't find the thread on new stuff here what is the purpose of "friends" here ? thank you -- side note, can we change the new year's thing back to blue (when you're not logged on) ?
  20. dear bumpy, basically, the only thing i know about CES is the exwayfers who are involved with it.... meaning john lynn and mark and karen..... a few others.... don't regret the fall of twi at all or ces (i'm an onlooker) i don't like offshoots.... they're too much like twi as far as the club thing, i've often joked about this being my new cult but i spent most of my life in a cult, been really hurt, so it is nice to commiserate here plus now i just like the people here i'm sorry it seems so closed, really. i don't think it is, but i've been here a long time i've made cyber friends and i like it i don't get out much, by choice love,ex
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