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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. excathedra


    what does 1 john 3:1 say ? i mean the bible verse ?
  2. excathedra


    d, i will have to check that out, i may never come back :)
  3. has she been talked about on here ? if so, sorry i was just reading about her today http://www.akiane.com/ what do you think ?
  4. excathedra


    thanks gals for the laughs and empathy regarding the sponge and dog dish :) i hate it when people talk when the people in the movie are talking. you can miss the most important line i watch most movies alone or with the dogs. they're fine as long as the damn ups man doesn't come to the door -- i really love people's quirks on here, they are wonderfully quirky mwah -- i have a thing about passing through a room and making sure i take with me what needs to go to next room..... but sometimes i have all these things in my hands and i end up in the wrong room and i get so mad at myself, i have to backtrack.....
  5. the most my son knows about TWI is greasespot cafe :) and everything else i've told him..... he's a good boy
  6. excathedra

    Super Bowl Ads

    i was just watching that show on superbowl commercials a little while ago. it was fun. there was one past commercial that said something like, "we just wasted $2 million dollars -- what are you doing with your money?" or something like that. i think it was by e-trade. i thought it was clever.
  7. ohmygod how precious from a 5 year old ?????? amazing child musta got it from her mommy
  8. sent you a private message don't know if it will pop up at you or not if not, you can click on that "new messages" thing top right corner just above here
  9. what a nutjob i was please please dear employer let me off without pay i need to get to a weekend blessful frikkin event early where i get to do setup and i then i get the even greater privilege of tearing down and in between i work my fool azz off and then have to sit and listen to the most boring crapola of my entire life oh man
  10. you walked up to him and said "shut up" ??????? or you wanted to ? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  11. excathedra


    well i do that too, but i didn't know about the in-between times when the dog dish was getting washed out
  12. excathedra


    veepee coulda' used that ministering for a new eyeball
  13. tanks so much oh hi karmic my dear
  14. um um um um ugh um i don't know whether to laugh or cy -- i love that song, ca dreaming
  15. excathedra


    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha -- likeaneagle, i am totally witcha' on the morning routine -- now here's one that i almost died over..... at least had my biggest panic attack do date i saw my husband using the kitchen sink sponge to wipe out the dogs' water bowl (that filmy buildup) i screamed -- don't use THAT ! that's for people dishes !!!!!!! he said, "oh okay, but i've been doing this since we got buddy" that's nine years !!!!!!
  16. you are absolutely right likeaneagle. i just can't do it, class or no class.... remember this
  17. oops sowwy i like the bottom so you can see what the h ell i'm talking about (well maybe)
  18. i think it's great too free i have a friend like that and i'm lucky enough to have been friends with her since i was 18 or 19 and i'm 50
  19. holy cow they invented new ways to humiliate people
  20. yeah dam it and if we get dropped from the corps, they should reimburse our sponsors !!!!!!!
  21. can i leave a comment on my profile ?

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