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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. i don't even want to tell you the reaction of a dear british girl when veepee said he was going to smack her fanny http://english2american.com/dictionary/cat_thebody.html --- i just hope you don't have to translate cockney english
  2. maybe they should just allow christ to heal the child within..... but what do i know
  3. i used to always give up important "stuff" for lent.... would write it all down and keep to it.... thinking it was the least i could do because of what jesus christ did for me.... i went to mass or church every day, not just during lent, but through the years sadly, i realized the catholic church is not what i thought it was but i still always think about what jesus christ did for me i'm sure the stations would still make me cry
  4. dear (((((((((((( ductape ))))))))))) here is a nice version from some translation of the end of i corin. 8:1 and like the KJV from the way, knowledge puffs up, chartity edifies...... that's good too love,ex
  5. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  6. we don't have voice mail at work so i suggested we answer the phone: "company name, wilma flinstone....."
  7. well that goes without saying we are talking about the catholic church after all mark, you sound like an ecclesiastical authority
  8. it started in open, cman. thanks thanks for digging up a source, mark come on
  9. those are GREAT !!!!!! but my faves i think 999Number of the Australian Beast 333Number of the Semi-Beast rottie, you're so funny, i love you
  10. so sick sexual crimes belong in soap opera ? is that what you both are saying ? i don't get it you can be so intelligent and not smart at all okay should i start a thread on priests ? i don't think so roman catholic nonsense can only be discussed in a certain place or certain manner ?
  11. whatsamatta markey ? do you don't like the responses ?
  12. where are you getting your definition of pedophilia with regard to babies and 5 and 6 year olds ?
  13. bull pure and simple ? wow why don't the damn priests have affairs with ushers or deacons or each other ????? why rape CHILDREN ??????
  14. what are the changes happening in baseball -- rules and stuff -- i think i read after 30 some years ?
  15. ha ha ha ha ha ha h aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha honk honk ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  16. mark i haven't read your post yet except for a few lines i'm hoping you distinguish between homosexuality and sexual molestation of children
  17. excathedra

    Thank You

    dearest tannis, it is beyond my comprehension the devastating heartache..... i was in the 9th corps with david as my 7th i don't know what to say, except prayers many prayers and many hugs love, ex
  18. ps. if all this sounds confusing, i have five brothers i also have priests, nuns, the whole bit..... generations
  19. and another thing my two little brothers were too young to know anything about where that certain part should or should not go in and where then they were taught by father butler. and monsignor knew all about it. butler had been transferred to our parish because he was doing the molestation in brooklyn or somewhere before that..... guess when he got "exposed" ? when he was in his early 80's one of my brothers went and testified against him. the other one couldn't handle it. the dog monsignor is still at my neighborhood parish. when HE found out my brother would be testifying, he didn't show the parish is still going strong my brothers, well they're alive and functioning one of them could not enjoy hetero sex FOR YEARS because of what happened to him before he reached puberty he used to go secretly into the city for homosexual sex gee i hope he doesn't have aids
  20. see, the catholic church is responsible for AIDS !!!!!! well a large percentage my brother's parish priest is openly gay i don't know if he's allowed to use a condemn (sp?) ha ----- YUCK
  21. what is the one way to prevent the transmission of AIDS ?
  22. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hagood ones !!!!!
  23. and whenever i visit my mom, i go to mass to watch her sing in the choir :) but i don't put anything in the collection plate but i do go up for wine not really ha
  24. i don't remember feeling angry when saying "i do" to the questions. to me it was just a ritual. and my parents and in-laws didn't force us to do anything. we did it because we love them and knew how much they would worry if their grandbaby wasn't baptized in the catholic church. got married in the catholic church too. anyway, i don't feel any desire to send in a paper to the church. once a catholic always a catholic, it's sorta like being irish
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