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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. dear listener, did he really say "fun" ? that's upsetting he found my character flaw..... being sexually abused as a child..... he worked on me for YEARS sad sick
  2. i must agree -- ohforgodssake the entire homo purge had to be because donna is a lesbian don't you think ?
  3. welcome listener !!!!! -- what keeps new leaders motivated ? power money cush lifestyle the same old same old..... don't you think ?
  4. i can't fathom such cruelty children (well, adults too) love their pets like family. they reallly do i've seen my son cry and hold on to minnie and / or buddy for comfort in heartache times i did the same when i was little
  5. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  6. these things make me so sick today i heard one that just gave me horrible chills sorry not to derail
  7. i never heard that about his last words as far as the wishing.... well..... too much too little too late.... what jerk
  8. when someone gives me the wave and/or the nod..... i wave my thank you.... then i wave my thank you again.... and then again..... i just want to be sure they KNOW they made me happy :) have to be careful i don't run off the road thanking them
  9. but of course dear RG :wub:
  10. i was referring to love in a marriage, more than a workplace now scalpel in a marriage ;) ;) ;)
  11. good thing i've never been rescued eh ? ;)
  12. excathedra

    Banning Booing

    hey ____ ____ ...... smarter than the average bear.....
  13. where and when should a woman learn these lessons, values, way(s) of life ? not as a little girl, in my case, that is i'm talking about the marriage thing, not the political it seems marriage should be about kindness, respect, and that thang called love.... for both there are times i so want to be rescued by a knight in shining armor..... do men feel that way too ? i wonder ? and there are times..... well..... let me think about this :)
  14. happy happy birthday dear abi !!! love,ex
  15. many many hugs, dear bumpy

  16. what is so sad how we can think of these things as "distant" or not a part of what we were involved in i'm not explaining myself well will try later i apologize for this kind of denial
  17. amen and amen listen to satori
  18. tragic.... tears..... just like the proud corps grad locked up in the mental hospital just like my friend turned on to coke and more by her spiritual leader just like art poling's daughter just like that poor husband who committed suicide over martindale and his wife just like rochelle weinberg let's keep it quiet lest the precious ministry be blamed or sued
  19. i fixed it !!! thanks ex
  20. my heartfelt condolences to bumpy and everyone close to this love,ex
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