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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. can't even think of you as a mini-monster dear kathy..... EVER..... love, ex oops that quote was supposed to be a new post sorry
  2. "over the hill, to he!! and back"

    i've been there !

    it even says so under my name, i believe

  3. better make up our damn minds easter is around the corner just kidding :wub:
  4. dear (((((((((((((( Bri ))))))))))))))) major hugs and thanks
  5. ohmygod i didn't see lcm at first but i recognized the pig before i even clicked on the thumbnail (or whatever you call it)
  6. this ain't my house, kath good thing i guess
  7. ever see that movie "the exorcist" remember regan..... that's what my head is doing now.....
  8. i'd like to see them and every other offshoot "leader" step out and get real jobs
  9. what is M/D dry food ? the M/D part ? the same as all the wet food ?
  10. denial denial denial without it, there would be no wayfers
  11. awwwwww i'll miss you and your little puppy computers routers dogs kid x-box drive me insane
  12. it's just really strange / scary
  13. best of luck i did the living together thing first ain't no guarantees still best of luck
  14. happy birthday howard. i hope you are doing really well today my identical twin brothers celebrate theirs
  15. in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen
  16. my dear reverend tittles are we talking martha sheeHAN martha ferris martha stewart marcia lambofgod penny marchone (french prnounced) marchonchirstiansoldiers....... marcia ferris -- michael dugan -- margie mcsherry -- bill fury martha jacobson moira kenney
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