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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. ohhhhhhh so it took them from the 7th corps until the 18th corps to figure out hitching could be dangerous guess ken wasn't enough one little sheep led to the slaughter all of this makes me sick -- never mind all the other "lead" tragedies loser bastads
  2. wonder if catcup will show for this thread ?
  3. would you be talking donnie and rosie ? -- we need to bring tommy and arlene back to straighten up that place
  4. you sold me and i don't even want to move
  5. i'm pretty sure dot used to live around there too
  6. excathedra

    Big fish pic >>>

    greasespot fish fry coming up ? congrads bozz
  7. mc quade can you please stand type in tongues and interpret ?
  8. mc quade i'm being too hard on you it's the way i'm seeing it sorry
  9. i'm not sure what the word "hungry" was for as far as the the poster who started this but i can tell you what hungry was and heartache and way too much other stuff goddamit -- ps. not directed at you hugs pps. lonewolf your original post was oh never mind
  10. thanks satori for your response to my post
  11. what a weird topic title i was hungry for love, perhaps god's even.... or maybe a father....
  12. interesting concept but i'm technologically impaired
  13. i forget now, but i know it's been posted on here hopefully someone will remember
  14. happy birthday, i love you slipper
  15. egilkent

    love you

  16. rottie, rottie, (singing the 4 seasons here to ronnie, ronnie)

    forget my pink comment. i was just worried about you.

  17. i'll reveal the mystery they all look like rosie and donnie WTF ???? oh except for that man in the middle who is that ? -- ps. i am NOT going to ask my kid what he thinks of THIS ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha here's my fave song of his to date http://youtube.com/watch?v=XgjIZR7vjvU (i hope this works)
  18. satori, i definitely agree about does baldwin call because he loves her or to use her ? -- and i agree with what you said here too but i have a question for you about the part where you couldn't keep her away from the phone. what if the mother is a nutjob and won't let her near the phone ? do you think that's a possibility ? -- i want to strongly agree how pathetic he is about being humiliated time and time again by his little girl. sicko
  19. well HERS is the ONLY truth, rick !!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  20. i don't know. what else have i got to do ? talk politics ?
  21. awwwww (((((((( hugs through the look )))))))) i tell people people all the time now, you know when it comes up, whatev. it's hard not to because i'm talking about my life and all the years, etc. but it too me QUITE a while once they've gotten to know me, it seems okay, you know ? -- ps. i didn't JUST leave a cult. i left, when did i leave, late 80s ? so see it did take me quite a while ha
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