the second song romeo's tune ..... i don't know how to fast forward .... but i wanted you to hear that.....
ps. something sad happened to me today
so now i'll post this song. it helped me
i stay away from political threads.... i don't have the gift of words
what's the definition of "illegal"
is that so hard ?
also the bible says (cough), every man is right in his own eyes
including me
ps. this is a thread on where one wants to move
but i know i know i know
i believe in choo choo's
i'm being an a$$
but if you've ever been under the authority of veepee, you would want to bite something off, that's for sure
what a disgusting slimeball
the only thing you would starving for is to get the f off the bus
never mind the dearest sweetest poster here who got raped while hitching to frikkin lead (10th corps)
let's not even talk about rochelle