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Everything posted by excathedra

  1. no one can compare to himexcept for john lloyd young
  2. frankie is the love of my life. i am his ragdoll
  3. the second song romeo's tune ..... i don't know how to fast forward .... but i wanted you to hear that..... -- ps. something sad happened to me today so now i'll post this song. it helped me
  4. how do you post a youtube link that plays ?
  5. his wife's money is not enough ? well power and ego yeah i get it
  6. hi there's a whole forum devoted to CES and i guess this forum is devoted to TWI welcome
  7. dot wants to move but we can't let her because she should live where we see things clearly
  8. ((((((((((((((((((((( karmie )))))))))))))))))))
  9. i cant' remember if i read this or posted on here i just wanted to say AWESOME
  10. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  11. i stay away from political threads.... i don't have the gift of words what's the definition of "illegal" is that so hard ? also the bible says (cough), every man is right in his own eyes including me -- ps. this is a thread on where one wants to move but i know i know i know -- i believe in choo choo's
  12. excellent !!!!!! best wishes love,ex
  13. -- well, i didn't like how hap called you "lady" but maybe it's my english ;)
  14. dottie, i hope you find the greatest place love you tennessee and the vet school ?
  15. ohmygosh abi !!!! he is wonderful. brag on ! what is a charter school ?
  16. let's remember safety is the issue to which i'm referring
  17. ohhhhhh i hardly smile when there's no sunshine
  18. i'm being an a$$ but if you've ever been under the authority of veepee, you would want to bite something off, that's for sure yuck gross what a disgusting slimeball -- the only thing you would starving for is to get the f off the bus
  19. if you're not legal, get out is that a political statement ?
  20. never mind the dearest sweetest poster here who got raped while hitching to frikkin lead (10th corps) -- let's not even talk about rochelle etc etc etc
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